With Fathers Day approaching this weekend, I though it was a good time to write about the Fathers in my life. I am thankful that I have a heavenly Father who has blessed me with so much - especially these men. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who has been a great father to our 3 kids. He loves them all and isn't afraid to show it. He has been a great teacher and role model and has lived out his faith in front of them. He also can be a great source of entertainment to us all when he shows his goofy side!

My Dad has been a great example to me. He has always known how to have fun, and we have done a lot of laughing together. He taught us right from wrong and always believed in working hard. He did a lot for my Mom, especially after she had a stroke. He has always been a support for us kids, and we knew (and still do) that we can always call on him if we need something. He also loves his grandkids a lot!

I never met Bob's dad as he passed away about a year before we met. I know he was also a great guy and taught his kids well. (I hear he also liked to goof off at times). Our family was blessed to have Rog join us when he married Bob's Mom. He has been a wonderful husband to Mom and like my Dad, I know if we need something he is always willing to help. Our kids know him as Grandpa, as they were quite young when their Grandma married him.
Fathers are such an important part of our lives. It is good that we have a day to thank them for all they do for us. Happy Fathers Day to all of you!
Nice post- when you read all of that it really shows you how blessed our lives have been!
Thanks - I've got tears in my eyes. Everything you said is very true. Growing up - we didn't know how good life was.
Yup - we've been super-blessed with awesome Dad's and grandparents. I love you Dad!
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