
Monday, September 30, 2024

Retired and Retiring!

Many of you will remember that last year, Bob "retired" from the hardware store he had worked at since 1999. He resigned from his regular position but agreed to continue working 2 days a week just helping on the floor.
The week before we went away, he really retired!  His store had done a nice retirement gala for him the first time around, but they had another sweet send off this time.
They had a potluck lunch which I was invited to join. Bob didn't know about that so he was surprised to see me show up.

During the lunch the owner and some managers did a little thank you and presentation.

They gave him this cool hammer, that they had engraved.

The owner had also written this up and had it hanging up near the lunch area.
Bob was so blessed to work at this place, and to get to know so many people in the community through his work.  He's been a hard worker and I know he'll continue working, just in different ways.

So that covers the retired part of the post.  Next up is retiring...
That's me! It was a hard decision for me.  I kept going back and forth since I'm not 65 yet and I really like my job and the people I work with.  However, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which isn't improving.  I would like to be able to do things with Bob before it gets too hard for me.  I'd also like to be more available to our kids and also be able to do more things at church.  So, I finally decided that it's time for me to retire too.  My last day will be November 1.  I know it will be a hard day for me, but also exciting with things to look forward too!
I'll share more as the day gets closer.


Catherine said...

I think you took the right decision and that you can enjoy your family life with Bob and grandchildren.
My husband is preparing his retirement too it’s a difficult decision for him but necessary.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That hammer is a real keepsake. These guys really love him, I hope he can continue to see them and have lasting friendships. Rheumatoid Arthritis, I had no idea! It is such a hard decision to make! But just think, you can sleep as late as you want, and have more time with the grandkids. Phil retired twice too. After the first one, he went back part time for quite awhile.

Susan said...

What a nice retirement party. That hammer is really nice!

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi Mari- Congratulations on your up and coming November 1 Retirement. I'm 68 years old and have been retired for a number of years- it is really good not to do the twelve hour shifts in the factory any more and wake at 4:00am for work and get home at 7:00pm....don't know how I did it six and a half days a week for the last six years of my working career. There really isn't any clock or time table when your retired- you'll enjoy your time with Bob and Family for sure. Best Wishes. KEV.

Donna said...

Happy "full-time" retirement to your Bob!!
AND...Happy retirement to YOU, as well! Go Have Fun!! I've been retired 7 years now and Larry, 8yrs. We've been pretty busy!

Sandi said...

I love that they gave him bible verses!

Dianna said...

What a blessing it is to see how Bob's place of employment honored him for all of his years of hard work.

And congratulations to you on your decision to retire now while you are still able to do things with Bob. 🙏

Changes in the wind said...

Congratulations to you both!!

Jeanette said...

Congratulations to Bob and to you! You will not regret retiring and love every minute of it!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Congrats to Bob! And good for you Mari!! I think it will be so wonderful for you to be able to focus more time on friends and family and your callings in different ways. God bless both of you and all that is yet to come! 🙏🏻💗

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Congratulations to Bob on his retirement. That hammer is special and what a good idea, considering what type of business he was in. And the Bible verses - very nice!
Wow, November 1. I’m sure this wasn’t an overnight decision - that is just around the corner! Good for you. You won’t regret it. It took me a little time for both our “retired” schedules to gel together and now we’re in the “groooove.” and it’s nice!
Happy October 1 -

Susan said...

Mari! I’m so happy for you. We are the same age and I just retired 8/1. My company offered a voluntary early retirement incentive and while I thought I would work two more years, I decided to take it. It was an emotionally tough decision. I have to tell you, I have never been busier. The best part is not having to rush through everything. You will take to it quickly as your personality is geared to doing things. I’m happy for both you and Bob. Life goes quickly. Time for a new chapter!

Chatty Crone said...

I believe you made the RIGHT decision. That is what I did, and I haven't been sorry one day. Six Saturdays and a Sunday. BEST WISHES! Congrats on hubs too.

Maryissewfast said...

Congratulations on your upcoming retirement! I retired from a nursing career I loved 6 years ago and I understand your struggle. Nursing was such a big part of my identity and who would I be if I wasn't still a registered nurse? My sweetheart had retired from the fire service 5 years before and was itching to do some traveling and wanted us to spend more time together. I'll admit it took some time to adjust to not going to work every day, but truly it has been a blessing to have this time. I wish you joy in your retirement years.

Katerinas Blog said...

How important it is to retire and be healthy enough to do the things you want!
I wish you good health
and hope you get to do the things you love!
May the best be yet to come🧡

Henny Penny said...

Mari, I am so happy for you and Bob both. Bob is such a good man. It's sure easy to tell how much his co-workers loved him and I have always been so impressed at what a good grandpa he is. You both are extra special. Glad you are retiring too so you can enjoy lots more things together. Oh, I just looked back at your last vacation pictures and they are wonderful! I love covered bridges too and that one is really beautiful!

HappyK said...

Sounds like Bob sure had a great place to work. How nice they gave him a second retirement send off. :).
Sounds like a good decision about you retiring too.

Jan said...

Congratulations to your both on your retirements! We retired early and have never looked back. It has been such a blessing to be free to spend more time with each other and our children and grandchildren!

Suemn said...

Oh my goodness:) Congratulations to Bob on his full time retirement! It looks like he worked for a really nice company and they appreciated him. Job wise, there's not much that can beat that. I'm so happy that you are able to retire soon too.

Lowcarb team member said...

Congratulations to Bob on his full retirement.

I do think you made the right decision on your retirement.
You can take time and enjoy family life with Bob and grandchildren. Create more special memories.

All the best Jan

Latane Barton said...

Wow, a big decision but I am sure you will find it was the right one. Good luck and hugs from Latane

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a beautiful send off. Love the hammer and the note with the Bible verses. And congratulations to you too on your upcoming retirement. Sounds like the right decision.

Prims By The Water said...

Happy retirement to Bob. What a nice and cherished gift of that hammer. Also happy upcoming retirement to you as well. I have a year and a half and am counting the months to my retirement. It will go by fast I am sure. Janice

Michelle said...

Congrats to your husband and to you!! Retirement is the best gift I have ever given myself, truly. I think you will enjoy it.

Jenny the Pirate said...

As you know I'm not one to freely and indiscriminately pin flowers on people. However. I have given this a lot of thought over the years and what has called forth all of my love and respect for both Bob and you is that who you are, is who you are to the core: 24/7 365, as they say. Eight days a week. Never varying to the left or the right. It's the faithfulness and steadfastness that reveals the true intention of the heart to honor God with one's life. You both will be dearly, sorely missed in those environments where you have been so valued and of such great help to others. But wow, how exhilarating to have this new chapter while you're still both so young! I predict that "not working" (hahaa) will be a boon to your health, Mari, and I know you'll thrive and accomplish a great deal in retirement. Can't wait to see you soon, my friends! xoxo

Billie Jo said...

Happy Official Retirement to your man, my friend. And that hammer! I love it. I am so happy you were able to make what must have been a difficult decision, and I wish you all the blessings retirement will bring!

Kim said...

Congratulations, Mari! I think that's wonderful. It's nice that you'll both be fully retired and able to really spend some quality time together and with your family!

Terri D said...

I am so happy for you both, Mari!! You can also escape the snow and cold for a week or so in central Florida! I know a place that has comfortable guest quarters. Congratulations to Bob, and soon to you!!

acorn hollow said...

Happy retirement to your husband. and happy future retirement to you . I is hard to get out of the day to day schedule we have but I have enjoyed it so much.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Congratulations on your decision to retire! I know how hard that is, but now that Bob is fully retired you will both be able to enjoy retirement together. Praying that your RA will hold off and not cause you terrible trouble. Stay as active as you can and that will help. I have regular arthritis, and it seems to be getting worse all the time, so I try to stay active as much as possible too. The hardest part for me is getting up out of bed and chairs. Once I am up and moving I am not too bad, but woe to me if I sit back down for too long! However, I'm too old to stay standing and walking all day long! Getting old isn't for sissies, that's for sure. So yes, retire and stay as active as possible for as long as you can!! Enjoy your time together! I love that the hardware store gave Bob such nice gifts, etc., and that they appear to be Christians. That is really nice!!

Robert said...

Thank you everyone for you kind words and wishes, you’re the best.