Wednesday was my 50th birthday and I have to share my celebrations! Prepare for lots of pictures.
It started early with some loving gifts from friends...

things like prune juice, diapers, cold packs and more!
I had to work that day and was serenaded by the residents and given many birthday greetings.

My sister Cheri brought in a pretty bouquet of flowers.

Later that afternoon some flowers were delivered from Andy.
Our church was doing a supper that night for about 160 people. Bob and I were planning to help at it, or so I thought. He told me to be ready when he got home so we could head out as soon as he got ready.
We left, but then drove right past our church. at that point, Bob told me he wanted to surprise me and take me out for supper. He just let me go along thinking we were working, and he was successful in pulling one over on me!
We had a nice supper, and when we were done, he gave me this:

Aren't they beautiful?
Several of our friends had surprise 50th parties and I told my family "no surprise parties for me!"
Instead, they planned out a really nice family day on Saturday.
The first surprise happened on Thursday when Andy came home. It was so nice to have the whole family together for the day.
We started the day on Saturday when Laura picked Heather and I up in the morning. We then went and had a manicure. After that we did some shopping in the cute shops in Holland and had lunch.

Here are Heather and Laura at the restaurant.
We then went back to Laura and Aaron's house, where Aaron, Bob and Andy were waiting. None of them would tell me what else they had planned, so each stop was a surprise.
Our next stop was the Grand Rapids Public Museum. I hadn't been there for several years and it was fun to go through all the exhibits.

Laura and Aaron tried out this little car.

The museum looked beautiful with all the Christmas decorations up. Throughout the different exhibits there were Santa's in different costumes. Bob thought he saw a problem with Santa's list.

One of our favorite exhibits is called Gaslight Village. It's set up like an old town, lit at night. Whenever I go into it, I feel like I'm stepping back in time.

Andy looks like a natural on this bike!

Here is a view on the third floor. There is a clock from a clock tower that used to be in Grand Rapids. There is also a plane hanging behind it that is the only one left of it's kind. It's pretty to look down on the main hall, and see the exhibits and the lights.
The museum has an old carousel that they have restored and have in good working condition.
We had a great time riding it!



Aaron and Heather

Andy and me.
The museum has a special exhibit going on called bodies revealed. It was the last thing we looked at and no pictures were allowed. It's been making it's way around the country and will be here until Spring. Seeing the intricate way our bodies are formed and work, again reminded me of how amazing our Creator is!
When we left the museum, we went for supper to a place Laura and Aaron like. It's called Monelli's and if you live in the area you really have to go. (It's near the new Metro health hospital) It's an Italian restaurant, but they do serve some American foods too. It's a beautiful place and the food was fantastic! if we hadn't had enough to eat, we went to Laura and Aaron's for dessert.
Laura made me a fabulous birthday cake!

Here is the Triple layer torte she made. Even though I was full from supper, I fit some in. It tasted even better than it looked!
As you can see, I was spoiled on my birthday. The best way to celebrate is by spending it with those you love, and I was blessed by doing just that!