Here is a cute idea I got from Sandra at Diary of a SAHM, who got it from Kelli. Here's what they are doing. "With the New Year right around the corner, this is the perfect time for a peek through the past year of blogging. I would love for you to join in with me!Post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month. "
I only started my blog in May, so I don't have a full year, but here goes!
"Alright people - I have been told many times that I have to start a blog, so I'm giving it a try."
This is a picture of our back yard, with the spring flowers blooming.~~~
"Well, it is official. I am getting old." (this is in regard to my youngest graduating)
Here are Andy and Bob goofing off instead of standing nicely for pictures.~~~
"Recently I saw a blog where the writer had a feature called "Everyday Wonderful".
This is a picture of a hummingbird moth I snapped in our backyard.~~~
"It's Thursday and that means it's time for a crock-pot recipe."
This is one of our wedding pictures that I posted on our 26th anniversary~~~
"Sunday night Laura and Aaron asked us to come over and enjoy their new fire pit with them."
In September we were able to travel to South Carolina to see Andy graduate from basic training. This is a picture I posted of him when we were there.~~~
"One last post about vacation. Hope you aren't all sick of this!"
This is a picture of our flowering hydrangea tree, changing colors in the fall.~~
"Most of you know that Andy has been interested in planes and the Army from the time he was very young."
This is a picture I took when I stayed at a cottage in Traverse city with friends. This was the road that led to the cottage.~~~
"Red sky in morning, Sailor take warning.
Red sky at night, Sailors delight!
If that old saying is true, we are in trouble."
Here is the picture I just posted of all my kids in front of the Christmas tree.~~~
It's been fun looking back at all my posts. When I looked back over this period of time, I was reminded again how the lord has blessed me and guided me throughout my life and in this past year. I also realized while doing this, that this will be my 200th post. I have had such fun with this and met so many new friends. I wish you all God's blessings for the next year!