I'm a little late, with this but I still wanted to do a review of last year.
I'm posting one of my favorite pictures from each month, along with some things that happened in that month.

Nothing exciting happening in January. It was just winter in Michigan!
The Olympics happened last February. Oliver enjoyed watching them with the rest of us. Not much going on in our lives.
We could have handled a little boredom in March. Heather was in the hospital for a few days. They never did find our what caused her problem, but she's been fine since!
This picture was taken as we were about to leave.

April means Spring is here, something I'm always ready for! My girls and I took a little trip and did some shopping at IKEA! I also got to meet
Kayren of Everything's Coming up Daisies while we were there!
I had a garage sale with my sisters and cleaned out a few things. We went to the Tulip Time Festival in Holland. My daughter Laura completed her first 10K!
My sister Cheri and I went on a road trip! We went to Pennsylvania and met Cheryl of
Cherdecor and her husband Alan. We enjoyed Amish country and the beauty of Pennsylvania.
My sister Terri was camping at Lake Michigan. Heather and I spent a day with them.

This picture was taken at Meijer gardens during the Chihuly exhibition. We also had other fun summer events - the country fair, a chicken BBQ. I also had an episode of cellulitis requiring me to keep my foot up for a few days. Both of my daughters had Lasix surgery and now have better than 20/20 vision!

This picture was taken when we had extremely high winds, causing waves of 15 feet on Lake Michigan. Bob also finished a dresser for me, completing a bedroom suite. We had an antique car show at the Nursing Home and we went to Artprize in Grand Rapids.
We had one of the best weather seasons in recent history this Fall. The colors were wonderful, with warm temps and sunshine to enjoy them. Andy came home for 1 1/2 weeks. We took time off from work and spent time together.
November was a fun month! Bob got an honorable mention for his carvings from Wood Carving Magazine. I turned 50 and Andy made a surprise trip home for my birthday and Thanksgiving.
This picture was taken of the first snowfall of the season. Bob also took part in a craft sale and sold lots of carvings. We had a wonderful Christmas and were blessed to have Andy come home for the third month in a row!
That ends 2010. I'm reminded again of how God was with us, through the good times and the hard times. I'm also reminded that although most of my time seems to be spent working and keeping the house in order, the times most treasured are times spent with family.