With the new year right around the corner, I'm doing something that I've done on my blog the last few years. I would love to have you join me!
Post the first sentence of your first blog post of every month, and then add your favorite picture from each month. It's fun to look back!
Post the first sentence of your first blog post of every month, and then add your favorite picture from each month. It's fun to look back!
"We have a New Years Eve tradition"
We received record amounts of snow here in January. Andy was in South Korea and got very little, but he sent us this picture to show that he was having fun in the snow too.
"We have a New Years Eve tradition"

"February is the month that we seem to hear a lot about love."
The trees always look beautiful with snow covering their branches.
"February is the month that we seem to hear a lot about love."
"I have a count meter on this blog"
Andy came home for a short visit after spending a year in South Korea. Here he is visiting a first grade class that had sent him cards while he was gone.
"I have a count meter on this blog"
"The recipe I have for you today is..."
"I was in our local sub shop"
My sister Cheri and I went to Tulip Time in Holland Michigan and stopped to see this authentic, working Windmill.
"I was in our local sub shop"
"Thanks to everyone who entered my anniversary giveaway."
In June we got a new kitten named Oliver. Isn't he cute?
"Today is supposed to be Slow Cooking Thursday"
I spent the day with my sister, Terri, who was camping on Lake Michigan. What a beautiful spot!
"Thanks to everyone who entered my anniversary giveaway."
"Today is supposed to be Slow Cooking Thursday"
"You may remember that we got a kitten a few months ago"
This has to be my picture for August - Andy and Bob greeting each other in a parking lot in Colorado.
SEPTEMBER "Saturday we had another great day."
This was taken when we were in Colorado visiting Andy. What a wonderful trip!
"You may remember that we got a kitten a few months ago"
SEPTEMBER "Saturday we had another great day."
"I recently saw this cute video"
This is a picture of our street, with the beautiful colors!
NOVEMBER "We are pretty happy at our house"
Falling leaves was the story of November. These all fell in a 24 hour period!
"I recently saw this cute video"
NOVEMBER "We are pretty happy at our house"
"Every year my sisters-in-law have a wreath making party"
"Every year my sisters-in-law have a wreath making party"