
Monday, October 31, 2022

Pictures in the Park

 We went to the park with Aaron, Laura and the girls, and Andrew, Heather and Cassie to try to get some pictures.  It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining and the leaves where almost glowing!
We had some issues with Miss Cassie, who wasn't thrilled with this whole idea and would have rather been playing on the playground!
Here's a few I thought I would share.

Ruby and Alaina



Bob and I with our grandgirls.  Check out Cassie with that pout.  She did start smiling though and we got one for our Christmas card, which was the original reason for doing this.

Ruby, Cassie and Alaina

Cassie is happier here!

Heather, Cassie and Andrew

Aaron and Laura, with Alaina and Ruby

Aaron, Laura and girls

Andrew, Heather and Cassie

The girls walking in the leaves

Such a pretty spot! We had fun, and the girls did get some time to play on the playground too.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my, you got wonderful photos! They look so professional. And the last two are superb. The leaves are amazing, and everyne looks sohappy.The one of Cassie puting is so cute!! Reminds me of all the times the little ones just hated photo shoots.

Jan said...

Great pictures-you have a beautiful family!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Great pictures, Mari. You are an excellent photographer nd have a lovely family! It is that time of year to start thinking about Christmas cards! I need to get started putting together the pictures for ours. Have a great week. See you again soon!

Connie said...

I'm sitting here going oh, oh, oh my, oh . . . with each photo. These will be treasures right now and for generations to come. Absolutely Beautiful!

roentare said...

Such a happy vibe from the collection of portraits

Hootin Anni said...

Outstanding photography!!
My favorite is the three girls walking in the leaves. (The first one).

Beth Cotell said...

Such wonderful pictures! Your family is beautiful!

Changes in the wind said...

Beautiful, just beautiful.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Perfect Autumn back drop...

Gorgeous pics!

Think the pout one, is just precious...

🔥 💛 🔥

Julieann said...


Mari, I am putting together a Christmas cookie list on my blog, and I am putting your sweet treats in there too. Remember that recipe you shared? I still make them, and they are always a huge hit!!!


HappyK said...

Lovely photos and what a great day for walking in the park!!

Terri D said...

Oh my gosh, that pout!! We used to get told that a chicken would roost on that lip and lay an egg if we weren't careful! LOL Great photos and that place is perfect for a backdrop!! I love the last ones of the girls walking in the leaves, holding hands. Cassie is so lucky to have her older cousins!! Thanks for sharing, Mari! xo

Jeanette said...

oh my gosh, Mari! What beautiful pictures of your family! And looks like to perfect spot to take them in!

Kim said...

What a stunning setting, Mari. The pictures are just lovely and I bet you have some great memories from a day spent with your family!

16 blessings'mom said...

You've got precious granddaughters, and the pictures came out beautifully. The one of them walking holding hands, print and frame!

Jean said...

Oh Mari!! These pictures are absolute treasures!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

These are precious, Mari! I love the girls' sweet faces. Cassie is a HOOT. Such gorgeous colors! Great job. Can't wait to see the Christmas card! xoxo