
Monday, October 3, 2022


 My Dad has grape vines, and several apple and pear trees near his house. 

Aren't they pretty?  They taste good too!

Right now, the apple trees are loaded with fruit!

But last Spring, one of his apple trees went down in a storm.  Some of the guys talked about cutting it up, but were waiting for nice weather.
However, as the weather grew nicer, the tree started sprouting leaves.

Here's what it looks like now.  It's laying down, but it's a green as the other trees around it.  And guess what - it has apples growing too!

Here's a few of them.

It's a tenacious tree!


Deb J. in Utah said...

It's so interesting how life finds a way. The apples and the grapes look delicious. We had a few grapes on our little vine this year, and they were so good! I hope you have a good week. See you again soon.

Mary M said...

A fruit tree in my daughter’s yard blew over after a storm last winter. The grapes and apples look great!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, I have never seen a tree this crooked that is so healthy!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

How fascinating! What a great object lesson! Never give up! It ain't over till it's over. xoxo

Susan said...

That is great how the tree is still growing and producing fruit! Those grapes look so juicy!

Hootin Anni said...

Extraordinary apple tree.

Suemn said...

Oh, so sad to have to cut that tree down. It is such a beautiful tree and seems like it would happily keep growing right there. Still, I know I would have it cut to get it out of the way for mowing, etc. I had a favorite apple tree that I would climb when I was much younger and the apples were the best. What does your dad do with all the apples?

Jeanette said...

It sure is a tenacious tree! We all could learn a lesson from that tree!

Sandy said...

That's amazing the apple tree is bearing fruit after it got damaged. Nature is truly a wonder.
Sandy's Space

Mari said...

Suemn; he's not going to cut it down, it's not in his yard and is doing well, so he leaves it there. They eat the apples, make applesauce and give them away.

Deb said...

That's pretty cool about the determined apple tree. And pear trees! I loooove pears. My brother used to have a couple pear and apple trees. I was sad when he got rid of them. We have one ancient apple tree but we don't spray it or tend it, and the few apples it still produces are small and bug bitten. Oh well, the deer enjoy them. =)

Sally said...

Amazing! The tree tells a story unlike any I've heard or seen before. It's still growing apples!

The grapes? Are they what I've heard 'scuppernongs'? Probably not though it brings memories of my late uncle having those behind his house. Delicious! I'm sure those pictured are also. :)


Beside a babbling brook... said...


🍁 🌻 🍂 🌰 🍂 🌻 🍁

Doris said...

Cool apple tree!
We had neighbors with grape vines when I was a kid. We make grape juice and canned it. Mom would make grape tapioca out of the pulp. I loved it!

Beth Cotell said...

Ha! I love that the tree is doing well in spite of its circumstances!

HappyK said...

The grapes look delicious.
Pretty cool how the tree just keeps growing and producing.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

That tree is amazing. I think it could be a metaphor for many things. 😉

Terri D said...

The grapes look SO good and three cheers for that apple tree!! Pretty awesome that it overcame a storm and is producing fruit in spite of it!! A good lesson for all of us, I think!! xo

Catherine said...

It’s a tenacious tree .

My Tata's Cottage said...

The tree must know the expression, where there is a will , there is a way. What a unique photo. Apples and grapes....yum