
Sunday, October 2, 2022

Art Prize

 Some of you probably remember years past when I would tell you about Art Prize.  It's a huge art show/competition in Grand Rapids that usually happens every September.  It hasn't happened for 2 years now because of covid, but this year it's back! Here's what a write up had to say about it:
For 18 days every Fall, bar, public park, restaurants, theaters, hotels, bridges, auto body shops, vacant storefronts and office spaces join museums and galleries in hosting hundreds of artists' work throughout Grand Rapids, MI.
Artists come from around the world to show their artwork. Events and happenings pop up every day of the event - from concerts and dance parties to festivals and family art-making. And hundreds of thousands of visitors come to experience it all."

This year there were over 750 pieces of art in 150 venues.  The artists have to apply and be selected, then a venue has to choose your piece to be placed in their spot.

Bob and I made our way downtown last weekend to check out some of the art.  There is always art trying to make a political statement, some things that make you wonder what it is, but always some amazing and creative things to see.
I don't often go downtown, but when I do I enjoy seeing some of the buildings.

This is one of my favorite spots - this new mirrored building reflecting that beautiful old building.

Here's some of the art:

This looks like just splashes of color, until you look closely.

There are people hidden all through it!

This is made of Lego's.

This is completely drawn with a Sharpie!

And here are some of my favorites!
These are pottery pieces that show areas of history and archeology.  Each piece has an area depicted inside.  There were about 12 of them, I'm showing you just a few.

Old Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem

Jerusalem Alley where Simon carried the cross

The Fall of Rome

A closer shot of the Rome one to show you the detail

The Garden Tomb

Another Jerusalem Alley

This last one is the most important one to us!

This is titled Silent Cathedral and is a photo taken by our own SIL, Aaron.  It's a picture taken of the underside of a mushroom.  I think it's pretty amazing and it's a great honor to have his piece chosen!

Hope you enjoyed this small selection of the art at Art Prize this year!


Debby said...

First off Wow. Your SIL’s picture is amazing. I also really liked the ceramic pots. So unique.

That first photo of the flatiron building is cool. There is not too many flatirons still around anymore. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the art displays very much - wish I would have been there in person for closer detail.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow!! The mushroom is definately my favorite. It really does look like a cathedral! I thought it was the inside of some gorgeous building. Next favorite is the Eagle and nest, it must have taken a tremendous amount of work, and be vert heavy. The pottery looks to be lit from the inside? It is so amazing. The Sharpie wale tail is unbelievable. I feel like I have just been to a wonderful museum!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari. What a cool art show! Your SIL is a very talented photographer. Wanted to tell you that I made the stew you had on your last Cooking Thursday and it was a hit! Charly said it was the best stew he had ever had! Thanks so much. Have a good week!

Anni said...

Museum quality,each and every one! That mushroom is outstanding. I can see why it was chosen. Talented family you have.

(That zebra of Legos...holy cow)

roentare said...

The reflection in the building is amazing! The impressionist paintings are also very good !

Donna said...

Love them all! Your Aaron's photo is beautiful!!

Jeanette said...

Wow! Wonderful In l art and a awesome picture from your SI!! Lived all my life in Michigan and have never spent any time in Grand Rapids! I will definitely remember this Art Prize for next year! Thanks for sharing!

Deb said...

How cool! Those pottery ones are fabulous. The hidden people one is intriguing, and frustrating. Even with you pointing out the people, I'd refer back to the overall painting and still not be able to see them. lol

I love the Lego zebra and the Sharpie whale tail.

Changes in the wind said...

Well I learned something new, that first building you showed is a flatiron building. Had no idea of the history of that. Loved all the pictures but my favorite was the pottery with the models inside. Who knew a mushroom would look so exquisite! Thanks for sharing.

Sally said...

Aaron is quite an artist. Good for him!I love it!

So glad y'all were able to visit this year. Some amazing artists showing their incredible art.

Thank you for sharing with us, sweet Mari.

R's Rue said...


HappyK said...

Wow Fantastic!!
My favorite is the splash of color with the hidden people!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

That eagle wow!!!

🍁 🌻 🍂 🌰 🍂 🌻 🍁

Suemn said...

Thanks for sharing all the artwork. The pottery pieces were my favorite. Your SIL is very talented. I don't know how he captured that photo. I've never seen anything like it.

Debi said...

WOW! So many beautiful pieces. Congratulations on your SIL for having his piece selected... it's beautiful! Have a great week!

Terri D said...

One of these years I will plan a trip up there to see this amazing art show! I love the selections you made to share with us and am gobsmacked by those jugs with the old cities carved inside. WOW! And Aaron's photograph is amazing and justly chosen to be included!! I enlarged the piece with the people all through it and saw them before you showed us the close-ups. Also beautiful and well done. Thanks, Mari!! xo

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Oh Mari - I love this all so much!! The buildings and the art. I adore those jug pieces with the detail inside. So beautiful. And that sharpie what!?! Amazing! But Aaron's photo is my absolute fave! Not just saying that but because it's stunning. So well done and evokes that awesome feeling. Let alone the fact that I relate to nature often making me feel like I"m in God's cathedral.
Thanks for sharing!!

My Tata's Cottage said...

WOW! Beautiful buildings, beautiful art. A gorgeous share. Thank you so very much sweet friend.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh I love mirrored buildings! That big eagle! And the pottery jars are great. But Aaron's picture is MAGICAL and MIRACULOUS!!! It deserved first prize! Just amazing. So creative and original! Bravo! xoxo