"the thing that I love most about blogging is that I learn so much about a person just by reading their blog. I have met MANY wonderful people with wonderful stories to tell,and I am grateful every day for each person that I have the pleasure of crossing paths in life with.I wanted to create something special for ten people who have inspired me through their blogging; the stories they tell, and the lives that they lead with grace and dignity. I visit their blogs for inspiration and encouragement.Although there are MANY people I want to give this award to at this very moment, I am going to choose ten bloggers:Please grab your badge and wear it(with a smile) proudly, and pass it on because you inspire and encourage me, thank you.So, now it is my turn to pass it on. "
Here are my 10 nominees (in no particular order):
Nancy - I work with Nancy and enjoy her blog. She makes me smile at work and in blogland.
Megan - This girl is funny! You can't help but smile when you read her posts!
Sandra - Sandra hosts the Slow Cooking Thursday posts and is great at keeping us up to date on what is happening in blogland.
Sarah - Sarah is a young Mom who is able to take things from her day to day life and give us all things to think about!
Jennifer - from educational pieces of church history to little devotional pieces, Jennifer inspires me.
Rebekah - Rebekah is a young wife and mom, who is also a 911 dispatcher and first responder. She blogs about life at home and work, both funny and not so funny.
Ginger - Ginger's blog is newly discovered by me, but we went to school together from kindergarten on and I am enjoying reading about her life now - almost 30 years later!
Deb - I used to work with Deb and now enjoy reading about her life as a wife, mom and grandma, and her part in Redemption Riders Motorcycle Ministry.
Tara - Tara is a wife and mom who posts funny stories about her life - "the good, the bad and the stinky"!
Jennifer - Jennifer is a mom of 6, expecting number 7 who will make you laugh one day, and the next day has something that makes you think about the way you view things.
Thanks to all of you for inspiring me, making me think and making me smile!
Those are actually the very words that mean the most to me in blogland... that I made you smile. For that is my quest! Thank you for giving me a boost right when I needed one! YOU made ME smile the biggest smile of the day. Mari, you is a good good friend! x♥x♥x♥, Megan
Congrats on receiving your award, Mari! I'm going to have to check out some of those bloggers you've listed. :)
Thank you so so much, Mari! I appreciate the shout out and I love to read your blog as well. Thank you also for your comments! THEY make me smile.
Mari thank you, you're such a sweetheart, you do know you inspire ME everyday???
I love this award, thank you :)
I am so glad I found your blog via Bonnie's. You really do bring a smile!
Thank you so much, Mari... I picked up my award just now, AND I finally got you on the blogroll, I kept forgetting.
I appreciate your interest in us "young moms." So many women leave this part of life and seem to forget what it was like, losing interest in it along the way. I hope as my children grow up, I will continue to be interested and interesting... relevant and helpful and encouraging. You do young moms a favor by sharing yourself with us, and allowing us the opportunity to relate to you. I've learned that kids do grow up fast! More and more, I'm realizing I will be in the "empty nest" before I know it, and I hope that when I am, people will still want to listen to me and find that I want to listen to them, too.
Thanks again, so much.
I am glad I checked my e-mail box this afternoon. It brought a "smile" to my face. I generally don't post, read Blogs or check e-mails on the weekends either. Thank you---Your Little Corner of the World, brightened my day over in Japan!!
Thank you very much. I am very glad I found your blog cuz you make me smile.
I totally agree with what Jennifer commented. Couldn't said it any better myself
Aw Mari, you included me in your awards, how kind was that?! I have a feeling we are going to have some fun reconnecting through this blogworld.
By the way, when I saw the picture of your daughter on the stones at Spring Grove Park I knew you were the "Mari" who commented. She looks JUST like you when you were young. I couldn't believe it. So cute!
Thanks for the recognition. Can't wait to share this with some special people I love.
Awwww, MARI!! You are just the sweetest. Yes, the stinky. I actually just had a lot of "stinky" in my life this weekend, but I decided to spare everyone the details. LOL
Thanks so much for the awesome award! I believe passing it on will be my bloggy effort of the day!! I'm so glad to be part of your little corner of the world. :)
p.s. - Jennifer TOTALLY nailed it.
Oh my gosh Mari, I am so amazed and honored!! Thank you soooo very much!! I really appreciate the award, it means a lot, Thanks!! I am learning so much from your blog, you are an inspiration.. Thank you :)
Okay, Mari. I need your help. I was going to attach the award on my sidebar and I do not know what to do. Can you tell I am absolutely computer illiterate? I wanted to put a profile picture for me on my Blogsite but couldn't do that either. Ugh!! Please help me.....
You make me smile too!! :)
Is it really only 5 days until you get to see Andy!! That is so exciting!!!! Praying for your journey and your reunion!!!
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog today. I know everyone has their hard days, so I'm just one of the many. And my motto is "This too shall pass" ... and it always does. And yes, there are a lot of good people out there. I am so happy to have my Gracie necklace hanging around my neck. Along with it hangs a locket. On one side there is a picture of my adorable husband... on the other side, there is a picture of Gracie's little feet. (She was so tiny). So I get to carry my two sweeties around with me every day. I love the little pearl that hangs around the necklace. That is the birthstone of June babies... and Gracie was born in June... how fitting.
You are so sweet to list all the people who make you smile. That is such a great idea. I had never heard of the award before. And congratulations for getting the award yourself !!
Feel free to use the pic and have a great time!
Hi, Mari! I have been meaning to come by and say "hi" for a while now. Congrats on this award!! I can certainly see why you were awarded it!! I have had fun reading through your blog, and I'm SO glad that you and Ginger found one another. HOW FUN!! I'll be back!
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