
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Wordless Wednesday

 Some grass plumes from last summer, that made it through the snow; shining in the Spring sunshine.


Kerin said...

Very pretty.

Smiles :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Stunning! God's feather duster.

LL Cool Joe said...

Beautiful. So happy Spring is here!

Hootin Anni said...

How pretty. Perfect lighting!!

Sandi said...

They made it through! Just like us.

Linda said...

Wow, very pretty. And I had no idea you drove that far too work, smiles (answering your comment you left at my blog about distance, grinning).

Sparky said...

Wild grasses are pretty. I don't think I ever appreciated them and their diversity until I moved to the country. Wonderful photo.
I hope your day is blessed! xx

Jeanette said...

Love it! So pretty!

Changes in the wind said...

How pretty and what a surprise.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


How interesting... How some things last, through winter...

A Life Lesson, perhaps? :-)


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Hope your dad is still doing well.


Jenny the Pirate said...

Looks like a many-fingered hand, draped casually ... xoxo

Donna said...

Great dried flower!

Michelle said...

Beautiful :)

*Also, I forgot to answer your question earlier, but yes, that is my house on my blog. Well over 100 years old and she is still hanging in there.

Kim said...

It's lovely...

HappyK said...

Very pretty and look so soft.

Terri D said...

Pretty survivors!! xo