
Monday, February 7, 2022

A Day in my Life - February

As usual, I'm sharing the first day of the month with you.  I'm glad to see February arrive; Spring is closer and the days are getting longer!

Tuesday's are my day off so here's how I spent a day without going to work.
I slept in until 8am (So wonderful!)
I got up and got ready and did a little pick up/clean up around the house.

and started the laundry.

I washed a few dishes and ran the dishwasher.

Then I left the house to run some errands.

I stopped at the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions and some valentines.

I had my nails done - the hardest part is choosing a color!

I filled up my tank and was irritated because the day before when I drove past, it was $3.10 a gallon - and on the day it had risen to #3.38!

I picked up groceries.

I drove home and admired the winter beauty.

I put away the groceries and finished the laundry, also ate some lunch and then was back on the road, heading to church for a 1:00 meeting.

I like the way the snow layers in ditches in the winter - and the water keeps running in them.

I spent about an hour at church.  We are planning a home-making workshop.  Myself and one other lady are teaching meal planning, freezer meals and money saving tips.  They are also having classes on men's haircuts, beginning knitting and crocheting, bread making.  It will be a fun Saturday!

This was my view on the way home.  We had freezing rain and then lots of snow predicted.  It did get pretty nasty that night and the next day.

When I got home, I made some freezer meals.  I made a baked Spaghetti recipe - 3 went into the freezer and one was for our supper. (I'll share the recipe later this week!)

When that was done, I spent some time working on my Sunday School study.  This is a very interesting book on the Old Testament feasts. and how they apply to us today.  

We had some baked spaghetti for supper - it was good!

I was just getting ready to settle down for the night, when I got a call from my sister, asking if I could run over to her house to look at some wallpaper she got.  She's redoing a room to make it a guest room.  I told her she was lucky I loved her because I wasn't feeling like going back out in the cold!  And it helps that she lives just around the corner from me!

Here's the paper - going up on just one accent wall.  It looked really good.

Then I came home and got on my pj's.  :)

I watched this show 'The Established Home'.  It's a show on the Magnolia Network.  This lady is a designer and I like seeing what she does, but the best part is that she is based in Grand Rapids and it's so fun to see areas I know pop up on the tv.

And soon it was time to go to bed.  I knew I needed to get up early to drive in through another snow storm in the morning!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Good grief, you got so much accomplished on your day off!! So now you really do need a real day of rest. I could use some of those men's haircutting lessons! Your church classes sound so good! We are still going to church on Zoom only. Being a Deacon during a pandemic is not easy.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari. It was fun to see what you did on your day off. You were busy! That homemaking day at your church sounds great! Our church in Arizona did that, but the one we attend here - not so much. Of course Covid has stopped a lot of activities at church and they still aren't really up and going again. Our church is also studying the Old Testament this year and I find it fascinating. I am reading a couple of different studies along with my actual Bible reading. I am off to Amazon to look at that one you are doing. It looks very interesting. There is so much of Christ in the Old Testament. This was a fun post. Have a good week. See you again soon!

Linda said...

P.S. Gas here is $3.59 a nearly cost us $50 to fill up yesterday. You had a productive day, grin.

Hootin Anni said...

That wallpaper is stunning. Spaghetti looks divine, snow is pretty from here (inside). I would probably choose red polish every time. Regarding gas prices (gouging)...funny how it goes up when the gas in the underground tanks was stored for days if not weeks at a much lower price, delivered.

Joyful said...

Wow you had a busy day off. I enjoyed everything you did, lol. I love the idea of the workshop you and others are planning for the church. Lots of those skills weren't taught at home so it will be a good day. The spaghetti looks delish and I love the wall paper you sister has picked out.

Phoebes World said... did well in one day.
I havent slept past 7am in over seven years... lucky you...
Would love to know what colour you chose at the salon... I have gardeners nails right now so for me gatting my nails done would be pointless
Gas prices here are almost $5 a gallon... thats California for you
And I look forward to seeing your recipe later this week... Im looking for freezer meals for when the family arrives next month
Have a great week...and I bet you are looking forward to getting back to work for a rest (wink) x

Changes in the wind said...

You were awfully busy for a day off and got more done than me in a whole week. The wall paper was pretty and the speg looked great.

Sparky said...

You've accomplished so much! Well done.
The 7 Feasts book looks intriguing. I'll have to check it out. I do have the pamphlets issued by Zola Levitt (Christian Jew) from the 1980s concerning the importance of all His Feasts. It would be good to re-read all these things. Steve just read "Mysteries Of The Messiah" by Rabbi Sobel. I'm supposed to read that next. I love learning more about God's Word and how everything points to Him. Amen!?
The snow is pretty but I know y'all are lookin' towards Spring. I am too. Can't wait to start fertilizing and making everything pretty again.
Love & Blessings. xx

Martha said...

That sure was a productive day Mari! Our library does similar classes. Last week they did a class for using cell phones. When I heard the things people were talking about as they came out really had me cracking up. I hope you are having a great week!

Jean said...

I am in awe of all you accomplish in a day! Go Mari!!

GrammaGrits said...

Gas in our town is $3.91 - yours sounds like a bargain! We often have to go to the next town over for errands, and it's usually 15 cents or so cheaper so we buy there.

You accomplished an amazing amount on your day off!


Jenny the Pirate said...

Erica has been telling me about The Established Home. She loves that show. Says it relaxes her, hahaa. I looked the lady up on YouTube since I don't know how to find that on my TV ... wow her work is beautiful. I like what your sister is doing in her guest room! I like it when people are not afraid of color. I love baked spaghetti! Can't wait for that recipe so that I can compare it to the one I've got. xoxo

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I enjoy these posts so much. Fun to peek into your world that way. I want to go to your church!! You guys are so cool with the things you do. I could teach scrapbooking! Just sayin 😉
That baked spaghetti looks wonderful. I wonder how many WW points though? Lol
That show looks really cool and I love it's around your area! That's awesome.
Have a blessed rest of your week dear Mari. xo

HappyK said...

What a busy day you had!!!
I bet you sleep good at night. :)
There is something for everyone in the classes.

Terri D said...

That wallpaper is really different and beautiful! I hope she will allow you to share the re-done room with us!! Mari, all that snow and ice just makes me shudder! Your classes at church sound interesting and I hope you have lots of younger folk attending. Things like that aren't taught in schools anymore. Have a good rest of the week!! xo

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh good grief!!!!!! You ran a marathon on your day off!!!!!!! That's not the way it's supposed to go!!!!!!

Sleep late.....Leisurely breakfast.....Same for lunch......Read a fun book......Take a nap......Eat something already in the freezer......Early nighttime.


That is a Day Off!


😷 👦 😷 👧 😷
Masks and Kids

Michelle said...

This reminds me of my Saturdays. I do most of these things on a day off. Seriously, you are one of the most busy women I read about!

Susan said...

Hi Mari, I enjoyed all your pictures. I am interested in your spaghetti bake. My procedure went well. I will be able to eat more tomorrow.

Beth Cotell said...

Such a full day! You really make the most of your days off. I love the idea of the homemaking workshop at your church!

Suemn said...

Boy, I'm getting tired of snowstorms aren't you? I think we have one coming either tonight or tomorrow. It sounds like you have a fun day planned on Saturday at the church. Gas prices have gone up in my area too but still a few cents less than what you last paid.

Jeanette said...

Well, that was a busy, productive day off! Those are the best kind I think!

My Tata's Cottage said...

You are a busy gal! Your prepared dinners look wonderful and your church activities sound great. I hope you have a great rest of the week and stay warm and safe.

LL Cool Joe said...

Goodness me even your days off are crazy busy! I'm glad we haven't had any snow so far this year, but there's still time!

Kim said...

There's that delicious looking dinner and again!! Oh and I haven't seen that show. Looks interesting, might have to check it out. It's been a long time since I've seen a really good design show.