
Sunday, October 24, 2021

What's been happening here...

 How's Fall looking in your area?  We're probably not going to have much color here.  It has been a warm Fall, which I am not complaining about, but it doesn't do anything to change leaves.  It's been much cooler the last week, so I'm guessing that Fall is really here.

Lot's of clouds, not much color!

There are pockets of color, here and there.  This is our hydrangea plant.

On Friday, my Dad was scheduled for outpatient surgery.  He has a defibrillator that has been in since 2013. The battery was getting low, so the whole thing needed to be exchanged.  It was a long day.  The surgery was pushed back several times, and was finally scheduled for 4pm.  However, they didn't come get him until a little after 5.
Surgery went well and he was back a little after 6.

Here he is, having his feast of juice, crackers and cheese!

A little after 7, they said started unhooking him from everything, but then discovered he seemed to have some bleeding inside the surgical site, near the device.

The Dr got called back in - he looked like he was about to leave, as he was now in jeans...  They had to put a pressure dressing on the site and wrap him up, then watch him again.  
I finally got him back to his house around 9:30, then got home at 10.
Saturday I went to check him again and had to redo some of the pressure dressing as they wanted it on until Sunday.
Sunday I went back again to take the dressing off.
He's doing good and is glad to have that surgery done!

Saturday evening Andrew and Heather came over to show us their new car and have supper with us.
Our Cassie is now 10 months old and is crawling all over the place.

She's also pulling herself up on everything.

And she is still smiling!

Last, but not least:

Sunday was Alaina's birthday! My sweet girl turned 10.  I can't believe it, those years flew by.
Happy Birthday Alaina!  You are so loved!


Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad you dad is doing well after his surgery, even with the little "hiccup." Cassie so cute, and she is growing so quickly! Happy birthday to Alaina! Yes, the years do fly by. Have a good week. :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Cassie is adorable, and oh those eyes! I'm so glad your Dad is alright, and that no further procedures were needed.

Kim said...

Your grands are adorable! So glad your dad is doing well. It sure helps to have a nurse in the family!!

Susan said...

Love the pictures Mari! Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!

Paula Alexandra Santos said...

Your dad is such a trooper! He's always smilling. God bless him and all of your family.
That was a long day for all of you and I'm glad everything turned out well.
Your Cassie is such a cutie pie and happy birthday to your sweet Alaina!
Have a blessed week!

Linda said...

Such a lovely post. I am glad to know your dad is doing better...and Happy Birthday to Alaina! And sweet Cassie, such a blessing. smiles

P.S. Our colors are popping and I didn't think to take photos yesterday. It has been raining nonstop since late yesterday.

Arlene G said...

Glad all went well with your daddy!! Love that sweet Cassie's smile. She is precious. And I cannot believe Alaina is double digits. give her a bd hug for me. Our Landon turns 13 on Wednesday! Time goes by so quickly.

Sandi said...

What a CUTIE!!!!!!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Your poor father, and you. What a long, long day.

Lucky he has a nurse for a daughter, and she can take care of the necessary at-home things.

The little one is OFFFFFFFF! Always have to think 2 steps ahead of her!

Happy Birthday to your Little Mermaid, sitting on the rock. -smile-


Jeanette said...

Wow! That was a long day for you and your dad! Glad he is doing well now. Cassie is precious and happy birthday to your sweet granddaughter!

Terri D said...

Gosh, I remember pictures of Alaina when she was about the size of Cassie. Happy birthday to your beautiful young lady - double digits now! Speaking of Cassie, she has the perfect little Betty-Boop sweet mouth. Not sure why I thought of that, but I did. What a doll-baby! So darn cute!! I am so happy your dad got through the surgery and is doing well now. Excellent news. Love & hugs! xo

Debi said...

What a cutie Miss Cassie is! I think she's going to keep everyone on their toes. Happy birthday to Alaina! The years seem to go by much faster with our grands than it did with our kids... and we try to enjoy every minute we have with them. Have a great week.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Wow your Dad is one tough Dude! I'm so glad it ultimately went okay. And love seeing your sweet Cassie (so dang cute!!) and Happy Birthday to lovely Alaina. It's my Mom's bday today 💝 A wonderful month for a birthday in my opinion 😉
We've had a lot of color and now many of them are losing or have lost their leaves. It's definitely getting that late Fall look here. And it's been pretty chilly.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful grandchildren. and Happy Birthday to Alaina. They do grow up fast.

I hope your dad gets better and has a swift recovery. It's good that you live close enough to be able to be there for him.

LL Cool Joe said...

I'm so glad your Dad's surgery went well. Must be helpful that his daughter is a nurse!

I can't believe Alaina is 10, although she seems more mature than that, and that Cassie is 10 months. Time flies whether you are having fun or not!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Double digits for Alaina! Bless her heart, such a lovely young lady. I wish the operation day hadn't been so tiring for your dad, but I'm glad the whole experience is behind him. It's been hot here and we have a tinge of color. Finally had a rainy day last week, and this week it is going to get significantly cooler. Yay! xoxo

Jenny the Pirate said...

I forgot to say: CASSSSIIEEEEEE crawling and pulling up and being such a big girl! Love that little face. xoxo