
Sunday, December 3, 2023

A day in my life - December

 I'm back from my break and it's December!  I made some progress on the project I was working on.  It's photo books I do every year for my granddaughters for the year, and I was so behind!  I got Alaina and Ruby's done, now am madly working on Cassie's.
Now I'll share how the first day of the month went for me.

It was a day I was working, so I was up a little before 6, got ready, had a little quiet time and left the house at 7:10.

Here's our house as I backed out of the garage, the little trees are lit from dusk to dawn.
It was 36 degrees and drizzling.  On these days I appreciate my seat warmers in the car!
It was kind of a yucky drive in, light rain all the way and still dark when I arrived at 7:45.

I am first to arrive, so opened the doors, got things started and got settled in my little spot. I'm by myself for the first 30 minutes and have to take any emergency calls that come in from the on call center.  On this day, I only had one of those.
My co-workers arrived and we had a nice day - not too busy, not too quiet.
We get lots of calls from our patients in assisted living centers and some of them are confused and the calls can be pretty interesting.  On this day I had one of our regulars, well known to all of us.  She was sure that someone came to get a specimen, but the cleaning lady took it.  When I asked her what the specimen was she said "You're the medical person, you should know!"  I figured out it was blood work and reassured her that she didn't need another one, that the lab took it.  The phone call continued for 15 minutes and she called about the same thing 2 more times that day. All of us in the office have worked in long term care and enjoy these kinds of calls as we miss that interaction we had in facilities.

One of my fellow nurses brought a bird feeder and put it outside our window.  The birds are enjoying it and we like seeing the birds.

I left work shortly before 5.  It was 35 degrees, drizzling and getting dark, kind of a repeat of my drive in!

I stopped at the store to pick up a few things and also picked up some chicken for supper.

Our area decorates the main road all through the town and it's so pretty!

I went home and we had supper.  We did a little clean up around the house.

We also got the bed in the guest room made up and ready for visitors.  Our son Andy and wife Nikki were coming for the weekend.  They left KY after work and would arrive in the middle of the night, so we wanted the bed to be cozy and ready for them

Then it was time to do a little more work on Cassie's book before bed. Another good day!


Dianna said...

Sounds like you had a dreary first day of December as far as the weather goes. The lights outside of your home are so pretty. Glad you are making progress on the picture books you do for the kids. I have missed you. 😊

Catherine said...

Hello Mari
We had this kind of weather for months but now it is cold -3 degrees and shiny.
I am also doing some picture book for Maxime and enjoy doing it. I did some for my children before.
Your front porch is nicely decorated, I would love to have some here too.
I hope you had a nice time with your son.
Have a good week

roentare said...

The light up of the trees are lovely

Happy@Home said...

Christmas lights sure do help on those dreary days. Your house and town look so pretty and festive.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! So happy to see you back, my friend! I loved this post and enjoyed your day with you. Happy December!

Jeanette said...

Ugh! That is the kind of weather we had on Saturday and Sunday. Rainy and drizzly and chilly! Love the Christmas lights in town. Plymouth decorates so pretty too! I now understand when you talk about dealing with residents of senior living centers! I do enjoy talking to them!

DUTA said...

Your project with the girls' photo books sounds awsome! Kudos to you for the efforts and time dedicated to it!

Debby said...

Oh, the trees all lit up look so nice, as you drive into town. That's nice they do that. Ugh, I'm glad I don't have to be out in that kind of weather anymore unless I have to. And yes, a heated car seat would be heaven!
What a nice thoughtful gift to your granddaughters with the photo albums. I am sure they will always be treasured.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Interesting picture of your drive home, and Iove the one with the lights reflecting on the wet ground. So pretty.

HappyK said...

Nice to follow you along on your day.
My jeep has the seat warmers too and also the steering wheel which I like even more! :)

Kim said...

Seat warmers are the best on a chilly day! Your phone call reminded me of when I used to visit my mom. We'd stop by the common area on the way down to her room and say hi to the residents every evening. For some of them, it was the first time they met us...the 300th first time...but they were always sweet and glad to know us.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Sounds like a busy and fulfilling kind of day. The weather looks a bit slippery and cold, but when you live in that area, you know how to drive in it and it is not a big deal. It's been a while since I lived in the north and I am afraid I would not do so well on the roads these days. I've been spoiled. I love that you have interaction with sweet dear elderly people and that you can reassure them of things, even if it does happen several times a day...I guess I always have to remind myself when I am dealing with someone like that that one day that could be me, and I pray someone will have the love and patience to "handle me with care" at that time in my life. Thank you for doing what you do. Your house looks lovely, btw. I love the little tree on the porch. I also have mine lit up all evening too. Last night I forgot to turn it off, so it glowed all night long. I hope someone out there appreciated it. Have a blessed and wonderful December/Advent season.

Terri D said...

Oh, Mari, that icy rain and the cold temperatures just make me shudder and shiver!! The bird feeder is great and God bless all care givers for the elderly in assisted living and memory care facilities. Your guest room bed looks comfy and how nice to have the kids coming for a visit!! Your annual books for the girls are such a great idea! Treasures!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

You remind me that I need to made my blog books for the year. I think it's so great that you make photo books for your grands. Glad you are back from your blog break. Your weather looks bleak and rainy - just like ours was all weekend. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

God bless you and the important work you do Mari my girl. :) Tough days when you drive to and from in the dark - but the beauty of your town helps - no doubt. I love how pretty it's decorated! And Yay for family coming to visit! I hope you get your last book done! That's so sweet that you do that. What precious memories for them. xoxo

Mummybear said...

The albums for the girls are such a wonderful keepsake for them!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ugh I love weather like that but NOT if I have to leave the house! It's best enjoyed in one's pajamas and fuzzy socks, sipping hot coffee from the recliner while looking out the window at the drear. I'm sorry you had to be outdoors and especially driving, but at least it didn't dip below freezing while you were out! How cozy and welcoming the guest room looks! I know that Andy and Nikki were happy to see it after their long drive. xoxo

Mandy said...

It's so hard for me to get going on those cold, rainy mornings! Glad you had a safe drive to and from work. I had to chuckle at your phone call with the patient. I can imagine it gets pretty interesting! Haha!

Debi said...

I used to hate driving to work in the dark and then home in the dark again. We love watching the birds at our feeders. It's nice that you get to watch them at work.