
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Birthday and a break


(Good Housekeeping, November, 1960)

It's my birthday Friday.  I was born on November 24, 1960 which means I'm getting old!
I got a paper in a birthday card this week with statistics about what was going on the week and year I was born.  I thought it was interesting and have a few things from it to share.

Top Headlines this week:
Nov 24 - Wilt Chamberlain pulls down 55 rebounds in a game (NBA record)   Nov 25 - "Amos 'n' Andy" made its last broadcast on CBS radio   Nov 25 - CBS ends last 4 radio soap operas (Ma Perkins, Right to Happiness,   Nov 25 - Young Dr Malone & 2nd Mrs Burton) & cancels 4 other series   Nov 25 - 1st atomic reactor for research & development, Richland Wa   Nov 26 - 48th CFL Grey Cup: Ottawa Rough Riders defeats Edmonton Eskimos, 16-6  

Top songs in 1960:
Running Bear - Johnny Preston
Stuck on You - Elvis Presley
It's Now or Never - Elvis Presley
Save the Last Dance for Me - the Drifters
Are you Lonesome Tonight? - Elvis Presley
Teen Angel - Mark Dining
Cathy's Clown - Everly Brothers

Prices in November 1960:

Bread: 20 cents a loaf
Milk: $1.04 a gallon
Eggs: 90 cents a dozen
Car: $2,275
Gas: 31 cents a gallon
House: $18,500
Stamp: 4 cents each
Average yearly income: $6,227
Minimum wage: $1 an hour

On TV in 1960
The Flintstones
I Love Lucy
Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Perry Mason
The Twilight Zone
Andy Griffith
Leave it to Beaver

Isn't that fun?

I'm going to be absent from blogland next week.  I have some projects I'm trying to finish before Christmas and it's going to take all my spare time.  We'll see what I can get done.
See you soon!



Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! Happy Birthday. It's fun to look back and see what was going on when you were born. My birth year is 1959 so I am just a little ahead of you. I hope you enjoy the coming Christmas season and accomplish everything you need to. See you again soon!

roentare said...

It is the silly season. And enjoy your birthday!

Linda said...

Wishing you a beautiful Happy Birthday!

Dianna said...

Well, first of all, Happy Birthday, my friend! As a side note...being born in 1960 does NOT make you can't be because I was born in 1949 and I'm still young! lol Or maybe it's just that I've entered my second childhood. :)

Thank you for sharing the things from the paper you received in the mail. Can you believe it? 4cents for a stamp! I loved it all.

Hope you have a prosperous time of Christmas preparations! You will be missed but look forward to seeing you again soon!

16 blessings'mom said...

Happy Birthday, Mari! I was born a few years later, but I remember my mother saying my father made a dollar an hour. The hospital bill for my birth was a whopping hundred bucks. My parents bought the house I was raised in for $18,500 back in 1966. BTW, 90 cents for eggs seems steep. Some things have actually gone down, I guess. Have a nice blogging break, and I hope you accomplish all your projects, and have a really nice birthday.

DUTA said...

Happy Birthday, Mary! You're still young. I started to feel old when I reached 70 and felt beginning of decline in some functions.

Sparky said...

Nah,you're not old. You're like fine wine and get better with age.
Happy Birthday! Blessings. xx

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy Birthday today!! Wow, you are 10 years younger than I am. I can remember all of those songs and TV shows. The cost of living sure was wonderful, but then you look at the salaries, and realize it really wasn't that great. I can remember when my parents rejoiced because my dad finally was making $100.00 a week! With a family of six, you can imagine how far that went. My mother also worked...I don't know what she made as a secretary, but I know we never were "rich" by any stretch of the imagination. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful birthday. Enjoy your time away from blogging. We'll see you later!

Jeanette said...

Happy Birthday! I have you beat by a few years! Enjoy your break!

Catherine said...

A very Happy Birthday! See you soon

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Happy Birthday, Mari!
Enjoy your break.
It was fun going down memory lane with your post.
I remember all those TV shows and songs.

Suemn said...

Happy Birthday Mari! I

HappyK said...

Happy Birthday!!
That was a fun look back.
I've got 9 years on you. :)

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Mandy said...

Happy Birthday, Mari! I hope today has been absolutely fantastic for you! I loved reading about the year you were born! Very interesting stuff! Enjoy your blog break! I need to get busy, too, this next week! Take care!

Connie said...

Happy Birthday!
Your 15 years younger than I am . . . from my view point you're still a young woman. So, look at yourself from where I stand and enjoy being 60 years young :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Birthday.

All the best Jan

acorn hollow said...

Happy birthday! I like the prices much better

Jenny the Pirate said...

I asked you IN PERSON last summer what day your birthday was, and you told me, and after all these years and asking you IN PERSON, I still think it's November 25th. Are you SURE it isn't November 25th? Hahaha it's because November 25th is my little brother Shawn's birthday. I can only hang onto so many facts and figures. And I wrote the wrong date in your card! Please know that I wish you the happiest of birthday weekends! xoxo

Kim said...

Happy Birthday, Mari!! I hope it was a fun day...and the celebration continues into this weekend. It was fun reading about the popular tunes and shows of the day, when you were born. I know them all...I guess that means I'm getting old, too!!

Mummybear said...

I hope you had a really happy birthday! I love the facts from your birth year! So much fun. They certainly don’t make tv shows and music like they used to.

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy Birthday. Happy getting ready for Christmas too!

Prims By The Water said...

Happy belated birthday! Loved reading your list. Janice

Henny Penny said...

Happy Birthday Mari! one day late. Sure enjoyed your post and looking back at 1960. Gosh, I graduated from high school in 1960.

Donna said...

Happy Late Birthday!!
Hope your special day was a FUN one!

Barwitzki said...

First of all... congratulations on your birthday... nice list of 1960s :-)))
Have fun with your project - I wish you much success.
And yes, it will be nice to hear about it after Christmas...
We have fresh snow at the moment. It's heavenly outside.

R's Rue said...

Happy birthday

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Happy belated beautiful Mari! I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving, that you felt utterly spoiled on your bday. And that your projects ahead are fun and festive! Love the info - and you're not old!! You're SEASONED 😉 🎉 xoxo

Terri D said...

Those birth date stats are always fun. Hope you get your projects done!! "See" you next week!! xo

Jean said...

Oh Mari, I hope I didn't miss wishing you Happy Birthday on Facebook. For some reason I don't get those notifications on a regular basis anymore.

Those were fun facts about 1960. I was 9 years old, living a very sheltered life on the farm with my Mennonite family, church, and Christian school We did not have a TV or radio at that time, so I don't remember most of those things. I do remember the 4 cent stamp however!

Happy@Home said...

I hope you are making good progress on your projects.
Belated birthday greetings being sent your way. That was a fun look back.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Happy birthday Mari! I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating! Such very fun facts about 1960 - those days were just good days. Loved all the old TV shows - good ones indeed. How I wish they could make shows like Leave it to Beaver and Andy Griffith again! Blessings to you dear friend :)

Susan said...

Happy Birthday Mari!!!

Mrs. White said...

I hope you had a great birthday! I enjoyed reading the prices from 1960. That is quite a difference from today!