
Sunday, March 5, 2023

A Day in my Life, March!

 It's March!  I'm always happy when March comes because it means winter is coming to an end.  We've had a crazy winter, with big storms followed by above freezing temps.  So the snow melts - and then we have another storm. In my photos here you will see very little snow, although 5 days earlier we had a big snow and ice storm.  But they were predicting another big storm on Friday (thankfully that fizzled!)

Anyway, I'm thankful for March.  Here's how the first day of the month went for me.

I start the day going downstairs and walking on the treadmill.  
It was a work day for me, so after that I get ready for work.

I give myself enough time to spend some time on the class I'm doing on Parables.  It has a little homework for every day.

At 7:40 I'm in the car, heading to work.  It was kind of a dreary morning, no visible sun.  It stayed that way all day until I left work.

Here's my office.  There were 4 of us working in the office this day and 2 working from home.  We each have a different job assigned to us and those jobs change from day to day.  On this day, my job was nurse follow up.  This involves taking care of all the faxes we get from different facilities with concerns on patients.  It may be someone is sick, someone is having increased pain, they are refusing meds, they have fallen...  Each one has to be written up as a telephone encounter and sent to the physician.  Our doctors are not in the office on most days, they are out at facilities seeing patients.  So they answer back, and they we send a reply or orders back to the facility that sent it, and we call the family or the patient to update them.  All of us take phone calls as well.  We get a lot of calls from facilities, patients and family members.

You may remember me talking about our lead doctor having to be on medical leave because she had cancer and was going to be having surgery and chemo.  She was off for about 9 months, and came back to work last week with no restrictions!  When you finish your chemo treatments, many of the treatment centers have a brass bell to ring, to signify that accomplishment.
This doctor ordered this brass bell to sit on our front desk and she brought it on this day.  She said it was for us to ring whenever we accomplished something.  :)  She is so glad to be back and thanks those of you who were praying for her.

It was a good day at work, and before I knew it, 5pm came and it was time to leave!

On Wednesdays, I always stop at my Dad's house to check on him and write out any bills he needs done.  As you can see the sun was shining.  It was actually 44 degrees!

I found him sitting in the family room.  Ann was cleaning as usual.  She's 93 and never seems to sit!  Dad is dealing with a sinus infection so he was more tired than usual and wasn't feeling the greatest.  I wrote some bills, talked a little and was on my way.

I stopped to get some groceries on my way home.

Here I am about 5 minutes from my house.  The sun was still shining and the snow is melting.

When I got home, Bob was about to leave for his mens group at church.  I heated some leftovers for supper, made lunches and did some dishes.  

I was sitting down reading when my sister called and told me to look outside at some lights in the sky.
I didn't take this picture, one of my neighbors did.  Everyone was talking about these 2 lights, just hanging in the sky.  You may have seen them too!  They were Jupiter and Venus.  They were in an unusual alignment and close, so they really showed up.  I saw an article where they said they were the kissing planets on that night.
It was very cool to see!
The rest of the night was quiet.  Bob came home about 8:30 and we just relaxed.
Yes - it was another good day!  I am blessed.


Debi said...

Your office sounds like a nice place to work. Glad your doctor had a good outcome... I love the bell and what a nice idea. I used to spend Wednesdays with my mom before she passed away. It gave my dad a break from caring for her and we got to spend some beautiful time together. Hope you have a great week!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari. It is always fun to see what you do on the first day of each month. You are so good to stop and help your dad every Wednesday after work. You and Bob are always thinking about your family and helping others. Sounds like you enjoy your job and have a good group to work with. I am glad that the doctor is back and doing well after chemo. We are getting storm after storm here as well, but spring will get here - someday! I hope you have a great week. See you again soon!

Anni said...

Perfect, wonderful, busy, day. Hope your father is feeling better by now. The sky/planet alignment is beautiful

Catherine said...

I saw the lights last night and wondered what it was. Thanks for the answer.
We went out yesterday because Saturday my husband was on duty it is a hard job to be doctor or nurse especially since Covid . A break is welcomed when we can. I am glad the doctor has recovered. You still will have a busy week!

KEV. Robertson. said...

You certainly do have a busy day there Mari- you fit a lot in. Best Wishes.

Donna said...

Yes mam, you are Very blessed! This post reminded me of when my mom and dad were still with us...I would stop in every few days, clean, bring meals etc...just like you. Mom passed in 1996 and daddy, 2002. I can't tell you how much I miss them! Just make some sweet memories while you can with them! Time passes TOO darn quickly!

Judy said...

I enjoyed the photos of your day. We had seen those lights as well over here in Wisconsin. I hope your dad is feeling better.

Pam said...

I was sort of taken back when I looked into the sky the first evening and saw those two stars/planets. I went in and posted a pic on FB asking what they were. Pretty cool to see that. Looks like you had a busy day. Walking before going to work. I give you credit for that. Seriously, we have had the strangest winter this yr. Here in Nashville we only had a few cold spells, not to forget that strange ice killing week. And look at those folks in the mountains of Calif. WOW.....been different. Meijer is a cool store. My boss ventures into Kentucy and goes there. They have a flavor of coffee there that I love that I can't find in Nashville. So when I sit with her cat, she buys me coffee for the

R's Rue said...


HappyK said...

You had a full and busy day.
Great news about your lead doctor being back to work!!
That is a nice looking bell!!

Mandy said...

I have been admiring Jupiter and Venus as well! And this morning, the moon was a beautiful deep yellow! I sure hate to hear your dad is feeling bad. Praying he feels better soon. And yay for signs of spring on the way!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That is nice that you visit with your dad and check in on him. We miss not being able to do that now that Pop passed away.

I always enjoy reading anything from John MacArthur.

Sparky said...

I used to get sinus infections all the time. I pray your Dad improves soon. Bless his heart.
Great photo of the planets. I need to go outside one evening and look at 'em before they're gone. xx

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Looks like a pretty darn good start to the month. We're still getting whacky weather and snow - but then cleared up to sun this afternoon. So crazy!
Your work sounds like such a neat place and so happy to hear your lead doc is doing better! 🙏
Matt saw the planets too. He was on his way to come hang at my house and told me about them. He figured out later what it was. Lol
Blessings on your week ahead. xo

Terri D said...

I always enjoy your first-day-of-the-month posts, Mari. I am so happy that your doctor is back to work and doing so well. I will keep her on my prayer list! Hope that bell gets rung often!! xo

Jean said...

I love these glimpses into your work days. So very interesting!

We have been enjoying the same bright lights in the sky!

Jeanette said...

Looks like a great day! I hope your dad is feeling better by now! I didn't even know about the lights in the sky, darn it, or I would have looked for them!

Sally said...

Wonderful news on the dr. Amen!

I always enjoy your first of the month posts, Mari, when I remember to visit.

Ann sounds like a real go getter and here I am at 80, soon 81 and sit a lot. When the kids finally get a place to live, I'll be cleaning though like her. It's tough to do when you have twin beds in the dining room. :)


Kim said...

A good day and another good start to the month! I love the bell story, good for her! I hope the spring weather sticks around and warm temps are on the way for good!!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Another super busy day, you mean! That's great news about the doctor who completed her chemo and is all the way back. How wonderful for her. I want to make your dad put his feet up and then I'll put a blanket over him, haaahaha! xoso