
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Wordless Wednesday



Ginny Hartzler said...

Spooky, atmospheric, and lovely.

Catherine said...

Very nice photo!

Hootin Anni said... it's out of a Stephen king novel!!

Sparky said...

Nice photo. Well done. xx

DUTA said...

The whole picture has one dominant color - dark grey, and
that creates a rather special atmosphere around the little house.

Kim said...

This one is a bit scary!

Debby said...

Beautiful photo.

Barbara said...

Looks like a paint party waiting to happen! (smile)

Truly, very artsy photo you've got here.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

You have the coolest barn buildings around you. This one is so perfectly moody.

HappyK said...

I like what Anni had to say and agree with her.

Terri D said...

Your barn photos always make me think of my mom. She loved barns and when she started painting after retirement, many of them included barns. Thanks for the memories. Love this photo!!

Veronica Lee said...

Spooky but beautiful!

A perfect setting for a horror movie.

Hugs and blessings, Mari.

Sally said...

Love this! Wish I was there right now. :)


Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh my word! Frame that one for sure! People pay a lot of money for pictures like that! Haahaha xoxo