
Monday, November 7, 2022

Sisters Shopping Day!

 Every year my 2 sisters, Terri and Cheri, and I go out Christmas shopping the first week of November.  We get lots done and have fun too.
Now that all our kids are older, and with the ability to shop online, we really don't have to to do this.  Each of us had actually started and had quite a bit already.  But - it's a great excuse to have a day off and spend time together!

We used to go out of town to shop, but then decided it was easier to shop in familiar areas, if there were things to be returned it was easier for the recipients and if gives us more time to get things done instead of driving.

We met up in the parking lot of the hotel we would stay at, and then started shopping.

We stopped around noon and got some lunch at a little sandwich shop.

Then it was off to more stores.

Here's Cheri and Terri at World Market.

Here they are again, posing nicely for me!

By 4:30 we were done. We went to one of our favorite restaurants for supper.   We had a good supper, although our time there was disturbed by some kids yelling and running around the dining room, while their parents ignored the situation.  People near us moved so they could carry on a conversation.  Crazy!

Then we headed to our hotel.  Here's Cheri's and my stuff, Terri had left hers in the car.
We spent the evening talking and doing a lot of laughing!

The next day we stopped to get a few things and then stopped to check on our Dad.
Then on to home, and getting everything brought in and tucked away.
The good news is my shopping is all done!  Now on to the wrapping.
The other good news is we sisters had so much fun doing it!


Deb J. in Utah said...

That is such a fun tradition. So glad you had a nice time and got all your holiday shopping wrapped up! Have a great week!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a blast this must have been. I always wanted a sister. The three of you look alike as well. I need to go to World Market!

roentare said...

This is such a good moment to enjoy life with friends. Pity about the noises by other kids in the supper

R's Rue said...

So much fun

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you kept your tradition and had a good time.

Jeanette said...

That does sound like a lot of fun! I envy women who have sisters to do stuff like that with! I am axtualy about a third done with my Christmas shopping which is a record for me. I usually don't even start until mid November!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

A lovely tradition!

Thankfully I don't do Christmas shopping any more... not in a long time really.

I never enjoyed it. Some years back, I forcefully suggested we stop all the gift exchange. We and our children just give to the "grands". And in our own homes, do whatever our choice was. YESSSSSSS!!!!

And for some time the "Grands" have been very happy with a check. -smile-

Not for all but very good here.


GrammaGrits said...

What fun this looks like for you! I always wanted a sister, but alas, only an older brother. My two girls love time together. How great to have your shopping done - I've bought two gifts - ha!

Julieann said...

Mari, this was such a happy post. It looks like you got a lot of good items, all picked out with love, I am sure. You all three are so cute and I love that your names rhyme. It warms my heart that you are so close with your sisters. Thank you for sharing this beautiful happy post.
PS I love to shop...tee hee


Hootin Anni said...

I Know I commented this morning. So many of my comments disappear or end up in spam folder.

Anyway, I bet having all your shopping done feels great. And of course having fun with sisters is great too.

HappyK said...

Sounds a lovely day spent with your sisters.

Terri D said...

I love hearing about family traditions for the holidays; this one is so much fun!! My sister, Patti, is a super-shopper. My sister, Tammy, is a thrift store guru. Me... Amazon, please. We only last about an hour or so on rare occasions when we are together and go shopping. Eating out and laughing is something we do very well, though!! Thanks for sharing the fun, Mari!! xo

Mandy said...

That looks like so much fun! What a special time with your sisters!

Jenny the Pirate said...

All I can say is, with all that is changing, it's nice to know that you lovely ladies still get together and do this. When I read that you no longer go out of town for your shopping excursion, I was afraid that you didn't stay together in a hotel either! That was my favorite part! Good for you, getting everything bought before Thanksgiving. I have a lot but am nowhere near "done" ... but I'll have a great time getting there. Love you friend. xoxo

Deb said...

Hope you bought me something nice! =P
Seriously though, what a fun tradition. When our boys were small, hubby and I used to take a day off together and go do the bulk of our Christmas shopping. My mom was our babysitter back then, and we wouldn't tell her what we were doing. We'd both leave 'for work' at our regular times, meet for breakfast, head out to shop, and arrive back home at our normal 'after work' times. hehe

Over time we started shopping for fewer people, the boys were getting older and interested in fewer but more expensive things, and it just became easier for me to take the much smaller list and go do it myself.

Jean said...

I LOVE sister time!! Our sister hotel stays always include issues with key cards. What is wrong with us???

I cannot imagine having Christmas shopping done! I have WAY too many grandchildren for that. I usually give money. The lazy grandma's way, I guess.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I look forward to this post every year and seeing what you gals got up to. You seem like such a fun family and wonderful sisters who know how to have fun. ;) How wonderful to have all of your shopping done too!

Catherine said...

What a good idea shopping and spending a night with your sisters I wish I had sisters!

Kim said...

I love your tradition! I have two sisters also, and getting together with them is the best. We don't do it nearly enough.

Sally said...

Every year when I read about the 'sister' trip, I'm a little jealous. :)
It's a wonderful thing that y'all do.

I haven't even started thinking about gifts but will get it done!
