
Monday, April 11, 2022

Is Spring coming?

 The other day while driving, I saw a country road I hadn't been on before, so I went to check it out.  It's something I love to do - driving on a dirt road that I haven't been on before.

The snow is gone, but it doesn't look or feel like Spring yet.
As I drove around the curve ahead, a fox ran across the road and dove into the ditch.  I wish I could have gotten a picture of it!

But look here!  A bit of green!

And a little further, I saw even more green.

And here, with no houses around, a few daffodils are getting ready to bloom.
I'm hoping that by next week, it's warming up and getting greener!

"For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."
Song of Solomon 2:11-12


Ginny Hartzler said...

A FOX!! How wonderful!! I have only seen one in the wild once, but am always keeping an eye out.

Hootin Anni said...

For all you up north, I bet it DOES seem like Spring is a long time coming!! A fox? Awesome.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Beautiful pictures. All of our spring greenery and new flowers got covered up with a couple of inches of snow last night. Such is life. Spring will return soon I am sure and we need the moisture the snow brings. Have a good week!

Kerin said...

Spring is coming!
I love that you found a new place to see and enjoy, and I'd bet once it is all greened up, it will be even more beautiful!

Pretty cool that you saw that fox, too!

Hang in there... spring is on the way, and we are much closer to spring than we are Fall...*smile*.


Changes in the wind said...

How fun to sport those daffodils! Everything is is heavy bloom here and in fact we are close to 90 some days.

Linda said...

Oh no running into a ditch...and I guess I ought not tell you the temp here this morning in the horse capital of the world. LOLOL

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh I love foxes! Their faces are so precious! You're lucky to have seen one. It always amazes me how far behind us your springtime season is. We are practically in pool weather (although last Saturday was like winter). Our daffodils are a distant memory! I love your picturesque dirt road. xoxo

Suemn said...

I can't believe you found daffodils out where there are no houses. How wonderful is that? I need to plant daffodils this fall so they bloom in the spring. I have lots of tulips that I look forward to seeing every year.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I enjoy country roads and dirt roads too. I love to go deep into the woods and take roads - leading to only God knows where. Nice photos. Be sure and go back in a month when it's all green so we can see the difference.

R's Rue said...

A beautiful Bible verse

The Liberty Belle said...

Oh I wish you could have captured a snap of the fox too. The pops of green are such a nice reminder of renewal and fresh beginnings. Blessings.

Doris said...

I don't think we have any dirt roads around here. Love the signs of spring! Our daffodils are about over and the tulips are trying to bloom. Currently we are having a few days of very welcome warmth...trees are pushing green now too. Spring is really struggling to show up this year, even in PA. Enjoy your warmer weather too!

Donna said...

Your part of the world is beautiful!
Enjoy those daffodils!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Beautiful Scripture. I love taking the road less traveled. Foxes have such sweet faces, I love seeing them. Our youngest daughter lives in Western NY, she saw a Beaver walking on the side of the road coming home from her nanny job. She also said two deer ran infront of her car. She lives in a great area though, lots of wildlife.
ALways good to see you here.
HUGS to you today and always..

Kim said...

I love it when I find roads like this. We've done a lot of driving and exploring in the last two years. We've found some fun ones, too.

Jean said...

The green IS coming, Mari!! Woohoo!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Lovely pictures. Wish you could have gotten one of the fox as well.