I used the random number selector to find the winner of the bloggy giveaway and came up with Renee from Life at Aspen Trail Hill. I have enjoyed reading her profile and her blog and was surprised by how many thing we have in common. I hope she enjoys her Santa.
I didn't win anything in this bloggy giveaway, but my daughter Laura did and she is very happy. I had a lot of fun doing this and was amazed at the generosity of so many bloggers. There are a lot of good people out there! If you didn't win, sorry. (Those of you that know us may be able to work something out with Bob!) Soon I will be posting pictures of his latest creation. Hope you all have a great weekend. Spend some time with your family and friends and don't forget to spend some time with God!
Congrats to the winner! Thanks for hosting this drawing!
Hee hee. Seven readers I think! Red letter day! Hope you are planning on joining us for Meals Make Memories Tuesday!
Thank you, thank you sweet Mari! I can not believe that I won! What a real treasure! Can you visualize me jumping up and clicking my heels together (which by the way is pretty impressive for a preggo lady to do) - okay not really - but I am leaping in my heart!
Sweet blessings!
P.S. I am a BIG Michael W. Smith fan too! Of course part of what I love was listening to him during days gone by at Kanakuk or in highschool/ college days! I am a big SCC fan now, but Micheal W. Smith will always hold a special spot in my heart!
Oh my goodness...your prize stuck out in my mind, because it was just so adorable! And because my dad does a little carving, too. Very little, unfortunately, because he's pretty good at it. It's so funny that your daughter Laura won my prize...we seem to have a lot in common...reading, scrapbooking, and now, dads who carve wood! (Of course, I am probably twice her age though.)
Anyway, thank you for stopping my blog. I'm so sorry about your "cat incident" as well, but you know, in a way it's kind of nice to know I'm not alone!
Congratulations to the winner and thank you for the fun!
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