
Monday, February 5, 2024

A Day in my Life - February

 We've made it to February! Here's my usual post with how I spent the first day of the month.

February 1 was my day off and because I knew I could sleep late, I was up until 2am.  I was finishing another photo book; one of our families year.  I find when working on these things it's best to just keep working, and late at night when there are no interruptions is the best time to get a lot done.  I finished it at 2 and then went to bed.

I got up at 9 and started some laundry.

After that I cleaned the bathrooms.

Bob was out in his woodshop and I went out to see what he was up too.  Here's how the backyard is looking. The temps have been over freezing for the last week and our snow is nearly gone.

The hydrangea blooms from last summer are hanging on.

Here's Bob in his shop.  He's working on a new bench to put in the flower gardens this Spring.

I needed to run some errands and made my way to Costco.  That's never a quick stop. (never cheap either!)

I made a quick stop at the local grocery store for some things I couldn't get at Costco.

When I got home, I tried a tip I'd seen on taking meat off a rotisserie chicken. You were supposed to put it in a zip lock bag, roll it around and easily pick the meat off the bones.  It didn't work...  I did it the old way.

This is my pantry and it was looking quite a mess and it was hard to tell what I had in there.
I sorted it all out, rearranged everything and put it back.

Lots better!  I updated my inventory sheet on the door too.

Then I worked on my Bible study, a new one I'm just starting... and then made supper.

We had One Pan Sausage and Veggies for supper; quick, easy and always tasty!

After cleaning up supper, I lit some candles and we relaxed for the evening. I went to bed around 10, staying up so late the night before caught up with me!
Yes, it was another good day!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari! I always enjoy your first day of month posts. I love the bench that Bob is making for your garden. We LOVE that sausage and veggie recipe. Charly recently made it and it was delicious! Looks like you had a very productive day and got a lot done. I agree with you that Costco is never quick or cheap! Those photo books are a great way to keep your memories. As you know, I use the company Blog2Print to make my blogs into a book each year. Hope your month of February is going well. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your bathroom. The big mirror, large counter space, and cool looking sink. And the last photo of your decorated table is so pretty. Nice pantry. We used to have a similar one over 30 years ago, and I still miss it. Our food is scattered everywhere now.

Susan said...

Hi Mari, I had a nice visit tonight. That is nice that your hubby can build a bench for your garden. Your one pan meal looks really good! Your study looks interesting. Enjoy your week!!

roentare said...

A fruitful day. The rotisserie chicken looks quite juicy there.

KEV. Robertson. said...

A good day MARI - Bob is doing great with his Woodwork- a very talented man. Cheers. KEV.

Chris said...

Such a busy day after such a late night, I'd have dozed all day. That bench is going to be gorgeous, looks lovely already.

R's Rue said...

The food looks good

Jeanette said...

I enjoy your day in my life posts. I'm impressed that you keep an inventory sheet on the inside of your pantry door! I don't have a membership to Costco since we got a BJ's so close to our house. It's just as expensive to go in there too!

16 blessings'mom said...

That bench is BEAUTIFUL!!! Oh, and there's nothing like that feeling of an organized pantry. I am just not a member of the Keeping Things Organized Club though, it has to get horrible, then I reorganize, and love it, vow to never let it go to shambles again...:). Costco, oh dear. They have so much good stuff, even when you behave yourself it's shock at the register...Anyway, I think that was a lovely day you had!

Katelyn R. said...

The pantry looks good! I love reorganzing things, it feels so nice once its done :)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Love the bench Bob is building. Very talented. We might have the one pan sausage and veggies tonight for dinner! I really like your bathroom!

Dianna said...

That Bible study looks so good! Is it something that you ordered yourself or are you doing as a group at church?

The One Pan Sausage and Veggies looks SO yummy!

I love your display in the bottom picture.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

OH my! That bench is going to be beautiful! Your hubby is quite talented!! You've been busy! Love your bathroom! It looks so fresh and roomy! That sausage and vegie dinner looks good too! I may have to try that one. Oh, my, I could never make it until 2 a.m. these days! Sometimes I wake up again at 2 a.m. to go you know where, and then again maybe at 4 etc. LOL, but I am normally in bed by 10 p.m. Can't stay awake beyond that no matter how hard I try. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and February! It's moving by quickly already!!!

HappyK said...

Another busy day for you.
Love the bench that Bob is building.
We having the roasted veggies again for supper tonight.

acorn hollow said...

Well you both have been busy and productive.
I wondered about that chicken idea glad to know one way or the other.
The garden bench looks great.

Prims By The Water said...

WOW I was getting exhausted just reading all you accomplished. LOL That bench Bob is making will be a great addition. Janice

Jennifer said...

I cannot even imagine being awake (and functioning) at two in the morning!! Kudos for finishing your project!! Funny you said, "it failed" with regards to the kitchen tip/hack. That is my story with so many of the so called tricks. Your new Bible study looks very interesting. Are you enjoying it? Hope the rest of week goes just as nicely as this day did!!

Latane Barton said...

You had a busy 'off' day. I was just wondering if you were scrapbooking until 2 in the morning or just putting photos in a regular album. I used to scrapbook but don't anymore. Hugs, Latane

Terri D said...

Bob is so creative and has such great talent. The bench will be lovely in the flower garden! I keep putting off a visit to Sam's Club. Wish we had a Costco but they both end up costing a bundle. I can go in with three things on the list and leave with 20. Mari, I always enjoy your first-day-of-the-month posts and am glad you had the day off to take us along. Your sheet-pan meal looks delicious!!

Kim said...

Mari, I love your bathroom!! What a beautiful room, every detail is perfect. I don't think I've ever seen it before...lovely!!

Sola Scriptura said...

You are so organised! We have a Costco here and we love it, although it’s difficult to leave spending under £100. You got a lot done on your day off!

Mandy said...

Oh, I love your bathroom! That’s exactly the way I’d love to re-do both of ours! I wish we had a Costco nearby. We use Sam’s and I order online, as a trip there would be two hours or more. Yay for a cleaned out pantry! You had a very productive day!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Looks like it was a good and productive! day. :) Bob is such a craft master. Lol And it's so funny because Matt and I were just at Costco last night...and we were both saying how we can never get out of there with just what is on our list! 😂 I'm with you on one pan sausage & veggies. Always good and easy!

Catherine said...

Bob’s bench is fabulous ! We buy a rotisserie chicken every weekend so I don’t have to cook a lot. Nice dish for a supper I am preparing our supper at the moment. You had full day off time!

Lowcarb team member said...

Certainly looks and sounds a very productive day for you.
Your one pan sausage and veggie dish an excellent idea.

All the best Jan

Jenny the Pirate said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! Beautiful in its ordinariness. I am intrigued by those white sectioned trays on the bottom shelf of your pantry. BTW the Chericas have all been sick so I went over on Tuesday and made them your Creamy Chicken Taco Soup. They LOVED it! I'm making it tomorrow for me and TG!! xoxo