
Monday, February 19, 2024


My friend Karen, from Life is Good, recently shared a collection of Nesting Dolls, which are also known as Matryoshka from Russia.
It made me think that I should share mine which did come from Russia.
My sister Cheri and her husband Mark adopted a daughter from Russia and brought me and some other family members one.  Several years later, the doctor in the orphanage, who they had stayed in touch with, contacted them and told them their daughter had a full sister, a baby, who was now in the orphanage. He asked if they were interested in adopting again. So, they made another trip to Russia and brought another matroyska home for us, along with that baby!
Of course, they make me think of Arianna and Halle when I see them.
We have them displayed on a book shelf in our family room downstairs.  Cassie just loves to play with them when she comes over.

Here they are.

The smaller set is has 4 dolls in all and the biggest one is about 6 inches tall.

The bigger set has 5 dolls and the largest is about 12 inches tall.

Here's a close up of the biggest doll, so you can see the pretty details on it.

They are special keep sakes!


Susan said...

I love that story! My friend has a few of those. Your sister is blessed!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful and what a blessing for your sister and her husband adopting. That’s something I wish my son would do but his wife doesn’t want to. I have a set from a good friend from Poland that she brought back to me when visiting family.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Those nesting dolls are lovely - and have such special meaning because they came to you along with two lovely nieces. I hope you are having a good week. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are adorable, and handmade. Very special, as they actually came from Russia!

Terra said...

These nesting dolls are works of art with a love story of adoption to add to their preciousness.

Sola Scriptura said...

What a lovely story behind these treasures.

HappyK said...

So nice seeing your nesting dolls and the story behind them.
They are so pretty.
Thanks for the blog mention. :)

acorn hollow said...

Wonderful story and wonderful reminder

Jeanette said...

That is a great story and some special treasures to go along with it! So pretty!

Catherine said...

I have some some of them I brought them back from the ancient Tchécoslovaquia when I studied there a long time ago now. I love them. Nice for the girls to have found a nice family to look after them.

Happy@Home said...

I have always been intrigued by the nesting dolls. Yours are really lovely and hold such sweet memories.

DUTA said...

In 2015, I visited Moscow, and brought with me some of these babushkas.
Your sister and husband brought two babies from Russia. May they all be blessed!

Dianna said...

Theyare so delicate looking...beautiful artistry work

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Oh these are precious Mari! The details in the painting on them is beautiful. But most beautiful part of all is the story behind them! Love it! xoxo

Sparky said...

Those are extra special treasures! And such a sweet story. God bless those who rescue the children that so desperately need a home. Thanks for sharing your / their story with us.
Love & Blessings

Jennifer said...

I do like the details on yours - so pretty - and especially the stories behind them!! How special! I have a few of these sets. Perhaps I should pull them out of their storage bins....

Prims By The Water said...

What beautiful nesting dolls. Even more special with the real reason for getting them with your sister adopting. Janice

Terri D said...

Mari, they are so beautiful and the detail is amazing. What a wonderful story about your nieces being adopted from Russia. Thanks for sharing this with us! xo

Connie said...

Your little nesting dolls are soooooooooooooooooooooo cute :)

Mandy said...

Oh, what a precious reminder of the adoption of those sweet girls! They are beautiful!

Lowcarb team member said...

They are very special keepsakes, thanks for sharing them with us.

All the best Jan