
Monday, June 19, 2023

City of Wyoming Open House

Our son-in-law Aaron works for a city near them, maintaining their fleet of vehicles.  It involves a wide variety of vehicles; snow plows, police cars, fire trucks and more.
The city had an open house a few weeks ago to let people come and see what they have and what the workers do.
We went with Aaron, Laura and the girls, and also Aaron's parents and it was very interesting.

They had fun things for the kids.  Here's Ruby playing Plinko.

And, Alaina hitting the bell on this giraffe.

Checking out the tall ladder

This is one huge piece of snow removal equipment!  We also saw equipment used in maintaining the water lines, things used to open man holes, a special truck that helps flush drain lines, a demonstration on what things like wipes, toys, cat litter does when flushed into the water system.

This is where they work on the equipment.

The girls got to sit in a fire truck

This is a really unique piece of equipment.  It goes behind a truck and is placed behind an accident if it's blocking the road way and is likely to be hit again.  It collapses if hit and helps protect the car that hits it and whatever is blocking the road.

With a police motorcycle.

Aaron standing in front of the certification wall.  He's done lots of schooling and is certified to work on large and small equipment.

The girls in the back of a police car.  We told them we don't ever want to see them back there again!

Fire truck with the ladder up.

 When we finished looking at everything, they had grilled hotdogs for everyone.  It was fun and very interesting!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never seen a thing like that equipment that protects cars from being back-ended! What a great idea! We have one of these celebrations, it is called City Day, and the Department Of Works puts it on. I think my favorite pic is the two of them in the snowplow!

My Tata's Cottage said...

The girls look like they had a blast. What a nice tour that was You are all so blessed having such wonderful families. I hope you have a lovely week.

roentare said...

Your son in law has a great skill.

Connie said...

What a sweet way to spend time with the girls.They are so cute!

Changes in the wind said...

What a great outing......

happyone said...

Looks like it was a fun outing.
Aaron work day must be different each day which makes for interesting days.

Sparky said...

The girls are so cute. Love those smiles. That looks like fun and it's informational. Maybe one of them will want to drive heavy equipment some day. It's a good way to make a living. xx

Jeanette said...

That does look like fun! Maxwell and Levi would have loved all those big trucks and equipment!

Jenny the Pirate said...

That's a pretty important job Aaron has. I have the utmost respect for those who use their considerable expertise working behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly for the rest of us! Well done. The girls had a great time if those pictures are to be believed! xoxo

DUTA said...

Your son-in-law Aron seems to have a lot of skills and qualities. Glad the family could all see it and appreciat it live on the spot.

Terri D said...

What a fun way to learn about what dad does for a living! Very interesting and grilled hotdogs are always good!! The girls are so cute! xo

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Great pictures and an interesting post.
I've never seen or heard of that piece of equipment that protects cars from getting hit.
Looks like the girls had a very fun day.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Looks like a fun and very educationally interesting event! I never knew they had things like that for accidents. Very cool. I giggled over the never seeing the girls in the back of a police car comment. 😆

Kim said...

I love things like this. I don't think most people realize what goes into caring for all the vehicles that make our roads and communities safer.I think it's super important for everyone to see the behind the scenes, so to speak, so they can appreciate the people who make it happen. I also think it's a great way for kids to see what kinds of jobs are out there. That's one I don't think most kids ever even consider, simply because they've never been exposed to it!

LL Cool Joe said...

What a fun thing to do, and yes you hope you never see any of your kids or grandkids in the back of a police car!