
Monday, May 9, 2022


 It's the most wonderful time of the year!  I know that song makes you think of Christmas, but I think Spring is the most wonderful time of the year.  Seeing the green pop out, blue skies, warm breezes, sunshine and flowers is just so wonderful and makes me happy.  (Not to mention, clear roads to drive on...)   :)  

Spring has been slow to arrive this year.  It's been unusually cold and rainy, but this coming week is supposed to be very nice and it's really looking like Spring here.

Here's some pics so you can see what it looks like in my little corner.

It's getting greener on my drive to work.  This is a field of onions.

The bunnies have been hopping all over outside our windows at work. 

In the front yard, the daffodils Bob planted last year have come up!

In the back yard, our flowering dogwood is full of blooms and the forsythia is such a pretty pop of yellow.

Our maple tree is the back yard will soon have leaves.  The little things hanging down are "helicopter" seed pods which will be floating all over the yard before too long.

I'm not sure what this is, but it's a bulb Bob planted quite a few years ago, and every year we get these dainty little flowers in the Spring.

These are Grecian wind flowers.  They are tiny little things that naturalize, and we get more every year.  The color is so brilliant!

Here's what they look like, on the edge of the yard.  When they are done blooming the whole plant just fades away.

Forsythia blooms

We have lots of shade in our yard, and hosta plants love shade, so there are lots of them around.  It's fun to see them pop up, almost looking like a tube, and then see the leaves open up.

One of my favorite things is seeing the trees around me get that tint of green, and within a week it seems all the leaves are open.  We're at that point now, and things will look very different in a week.

Here's some trees by our house.  Aren't those new leaves pretty?

Last is our weeping crab tree.  More pretty little flowers!

"For lo, the winter is past. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing of birds has come and the sound of the turtledove is heard in our land."
Song of Solomon 2: 12-12


Ginny Hartzler said...

Spring is springing up all over there! I have never heard of Grecian wind flowers, but they sure are cute! And a beautiful color. We have Weeping Cherry here, but I have never heard of a Weeping Crab! It must be beautiful. I want you to post it after it blooms.

Susan said...

I love the signs of springs. My plumeria trees are growing leaves and buds. Things are greener. I love where you live! I enjoyed your grands pictures too!

DUTA said...

In my neck of the woods, we have blue skies and greenery all year long. And yet I get carried away by spring descriptions and photos such as yours in the above post.

Donna said...

Absolutely loving all the blooms! My favorite season is Spring...
Hope you have a super day sweet lady!

Hootin Anni said...

A perfect setting all-around you. From fields of green to colorful blossoms. And clear roads!!!

R's Rue said...

I love all the flowers. So beautiful.

Linda said...

Beautiful photos, Mari. Spring has already sprung here in Central Florida and headed straight to summer, grin. I hope you have a beautiful day my friend.

Jeanette said...

It's so nice to see all these signs of Spring. I thought we would never get here! I just hope we have a decent Spring and not go right into hot and humid summer! Although I vow to never complain about the heat!

Changes in the wind said...

Spring is such a special time of year, thanks for sharing with us.

Sandi said...

Ah, bliss! 🌸

Suemn said...

I want to take that little bunny home with me:) My tulips have just bloomed as of today and it's sure looking like spring has sprung:) Thanks for sharing so many wonderful pictures of nature where you live.

Sparky said...

You live in such a beautiful area. No wonder Spring is a much anticipated event there. The overcast skies with snow and ice would get a bit wearying.
Those are wonderful photos. It's nice to see the wildlife up moving around again.
Blessings. xx

HappyK said...

I agree, I love spring too. Your spring pictures are beautiful!!

Tracy dixon said...

I absolutely love spring and summer. Everything is blooming around my house too and beautiful. Love hearing the birds sing.

Debby said...

How nice to see spring, springing up in your neck of the woods. Such pretty flowers and I too enjoy that spring green the trees get early on.

Your property is nice and you have a nice drive to work. I don't see any bunnies in our area - only the jackrabbits. The cottontails are usually at a higher elevation. Great photos.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I know I say it every year, but it is mind boggling to me, how far apart in time our springs are -- yours and mine, that is. Our daffodils are a distant memory! Dogwoods and weeping cherry long ago turned to full leaf. That pale green beginning for us is in March! But now we look like full summer while your spring is just gearing up. Your flowers are SO lovely. The Grecian windflowers especially! Happy happy happy. xoxo

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love your yard, Mari. These are all wonderful photos. Spring is truly a wonderful time of year!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! What awesome spring photos. I love the beautiful flowers.

Kim said...

Everything is blooming here, too, and it looks wonderful!!

Terri D said...

Your "corner" is always so beautiful!! I enjoy seeing your seasons change and Spring is definitely the most beautiful! Thanks for sharing! xo

Debi said...

Such pretty photos! You have a lovely yard.

Jean said...

The leaves definitely popped here while we were away. We had lovely warm weather this week.

I'm not sure I knew that hosta like shade. No wonder mine look brown so soon - they probably get too much sun.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Beautiful pictures, Mari.
It's been unseasonable cold and rainy here as well, but on the plus side, everything is looking very lush and green.

Laura said...

Yay for spring! I love walking around the yard and seeing everything popping up. And we love watching for little baby ducks and goslings.