
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Our get-away part 2

Today I have more pictures to share of our time in Traverse City.
We didn't the best weather, it actually rained most every day.  So, we had some quiet, cozy time in the cottage, and we went out and got a little wet a few times!

This shows what our weekend looked like - a little wet, but still beautiful!

Whenever we are in Traverse City, we stop at the old State Hospital.  It used to be a mental health facility, then was closed down and left empty.  It was purchased and has been renovated.  Now there are condo's, stores, restaurants and offices in it.  It's such a beautiful building and I'm so glad it was saved.

There's a buffalo farm near the cottage we were at. They are majestic creatures, and didn't seem to be bothered by the misty rain coming down.

As we left the buffalo farm, it started to rain harder, but then we saw something just beautiful!

A rainbow!  The sign of God's promise, was bright and beautiful in the sky.

In the 5 minutes it took to drive to the cottage, it just got brighter, and when we got out of the car, there was a double rainbow.

If you look closely, you can even see the purple.  We had just heard about the bombing in Israel and it was a blessing to see this rainbow, reminding us that God has a plan, and He is in control.


Great-Granny Grandma said...

Beautiful pictures. My favorites are of that beautiful red leaf and the double rainbow.

Billie Jo said...

Beautiful! I love the picture of the leaf. And the rainbow is stunning! I agree with your words about God's plan. And I love that they are using that beautiful building. In the town where I used to live, there was an amazing monastery that was no longer in use. The city actually tore it down. I am glad when beautiful buildings can be used. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Not only a double rainbow, but you can see both ends! Gorgeous red maple leaf. So special to see the Buffalo!

Deb J. in Utah said...

The rainbow pictures are beautiful. Rainbows are such reassurance that God's love and promises are sure. This looks like a really nice getaway. I hope you have a great week!

Susan said...

Hi Mari, I enjoyed your pictures. That is a beautiful building and glad they restored it. That is a beautiful rainbow. I have seen a few double rainbows, but this picture is wonderful!
It could be a postcard. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week!

Catherine said...

I love the buffaloes such big creatures. The rainbow is just beautiful and we need rainbows at the moment! The building is just beautiful. I think you had a nice time even if it was raining.

R's Rue said...


Jeanette said...

Nice pictures and what a beautiful bright rainbow! My nephew used to live in Traverse City and worked at Trattoria Stella. We went to dinner there once and the table was in a little cell, minus the bars though! It was nice and a little creepy, too! Looks like a nice little get away!

Dianna said...

I'm glad that the old building was not destroyed but redone. What a blessing!

But the greatest blessing was those beautiful rainbows...especially the timing of them. Our Father is beyond words sometimes. When I read that, I gave Him a few more tears to collect into the bottle (Psalm 56:8).

Kim said...

We have buffalo nearby and I love seeing them. Aren't they majestic?

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

LOve that amazing old building. So beautiful! I'm so glad they saved and repurposed it too. It would have been sad to lose that treasure. Looks like it was more beauty along your trip -and the rainbow was definitely icing on the cake. God is so good! All the time! 😊
Blessings xoxo

HappyK said...

A good use for the old hospital.
Wow gorgeous rainbow!!

Sandi said...

He is in control.

Debby said...

That building is kinda creepy but a good use for it. If the walls could talk...glad they did put it to good use and can be seen in a more favorable light. Those old mental asylums were brutal back then.

Terri D said...

Rainbows like that are just breathtaking. God knew what He was doing!! That renovated building is so beautiful. It is great that it was saved. I love the buffalo. Glad you enjoyed your time, even in the rain. xo

Mandy said...

That rainbow! Amazing! Traverse City is so pretty! I want to visit there now!

Jenny the Pirate said...

The rainbows! Oh my word! I love a misty rain ... especially in the fall. xoxo

Prims By The Water said...

What beautiful rainbows! I hope the old hospital is not haunted like other mental hospitals. We have a farmer close by who has bison. They are huge. Janice