
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

A Day in my life - 2022!

 It's 2022!  As usual, I'm going to share how the first day of the month went for me.

As you know, I'm still an on call nurse for the skilled nursing facility that I used to work at full time.  I've only gone in a few times in the last month, to try to help the person who is doing some of my old job.
She messaged me late Friday afternoon to tell me that another new nurse, had just quit with no notice. (I can't believe how many people do that.  I feel it's so unprofessional and is so hard on the people who are left).  Anyway, she asked if we had plans for New Years Eve and said I would get a big bonus if I picked up the night, plus I would get double time as it would be a holiday.  Our New Years Eve plans had fallen through, so I agreed to work.

I went in to work about 10:15.  After getting report I had to call the Dr to get antibiotic orders for someone, then had some meds to pass.

At midnight, we stopped to countdown into the new year and toast each other with sparkling grape juice in styrofoam cups.  We are classy like that!

I worked on some continuing education courses that we have to do every month.  This one was dealing with dementia.

The night was fairly quiet, other than one lady who kept coming to the nurses station because she was sure she hadn't had her meds. 

The day nurse started at 6:30am.  I gave her report and we counted the narcotics. I left around 7 and enjoyed these Christmas lights on the way home.  Our township always does a really nice job with decorations.  There are lights like this all the way down the main  boulevard in our town.

I got in bed about 8am and slept till 2pm.

When I got up and I started some laundry.

Because I knew I would be sleeping a lot of the day, I had gotten a lot of my usual work done the day before.  I had also taken down all of our Christmas decorations, except the tree.  I needed Bob for that.

This is a tip I read about a few years ago.  It doesn't work on a big tree, but it works for ours.  We take a roll of plastic wrap and wrap it quite tightly around the tree, decorations and all.  Then Bob picks it up and carries it downstairs. I carried the stand and tucked it into the corner of a closet, he puts it in the stand and it's set for a while.

Here it is, with all of our other decorations.  When it's time to put it up, he will carry it back up.  I then cut the plastic wrap and take it off.  Most of the decorations stay in place,  I usually have to just touch it up - and it's ready to go!

The fig plant went back into the corner where the tree was, and our house is back to normal.  It always feels good to get everything put away.

We had a frozen pizza for supper.  This is a brand we have been enjoying.  We like the thin crust, and the flavor is good!

Here it is after it came out of the oven.  I add halved cherry tomatoes to my portion, I love the pop of flavor.  Bob doesn't like tomatoes and thinks I'm crazy.  :)

We ended the night watching this movie.  It's really more of a documentary and is made by the people who made Courageous, Fireproof, The War Room.  It's about people's relationship with their Father and how it impacts their relationship with their heavenly Father.  It was very good and I recommend it!  We rented it on Amazon Prime.

And that ended January 1!


Deb J. in Utah said...

I will have to look for the movie next time I have some Amazon credit. It does sound interesting. I am also going to look for that pizza. I enjoy thin crust pizza. I wish I had known that hack for putting the Christmas tree away. I may try that next year. I hope you were able to get caught up on your sleep. Hope your first week of the new year is going well. See you again soon. :-)

Susan said...

My husband puts the tree up and takes it down and boxes is up. I do the rest. That pizza looks good! Happy New Year!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you got a bit of unexpected money! This is a fabulous tip about storing your Christmas tree! I have not heard of this pizza brand, but will be looking for it now. You STILL didn't get 8 hours sleep!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Mari STOP going over to that place! Haaahahaaha I just had to say it. Your tree storage idea is brilliant! I don't have a closet to stow mine in but Erica and Chad leave the lights on theirs and put it in the shed. It's huge but I should tell her about how you wrap it! I love your tomatoes for a pop of flavor on that wonderful pizza. Tell Bon that the pirate says he doesn't know what's good. Haahaa HNY xoxo

Hootin Anni said...

Now, I want pizza.
You are the best nurse I know...always caring and loyal and willing to give your time for just don't see that these days.

Love the tree idea. But I have no room to keep a tree together like that...genius concept!!!

Sparky said...

That's a shame that others don't care about their work reputation. It seems to be the "thing" to do these days.
The film "War Room" changed my perspective on how we as Believers in Jesus Christ should live. It really opened my eyes to how powerful God is.
I kinda do the same thing with the Christmas trees. It makes the Holidays a lot more pleasant and less work.
Blessings. xx

Jean said...

That tree idea is amazing!! Dick will really like it! Your New Years weekend sounds great even with that night of work. Not sure when the decorations will come down here. Everything like that is a bigger deal with a certain little someone trying to "unhelp." Hahaha!

Suemn said...

I didn't know or forgot that you would be an "on call" nurse for your nursing facility. That's really nice of you as you know how hard it is to get and keep needed staff. Your pizza does look good. I buy that kind of pizza too.

Jeanette said...

Funny, I love the Christmas tree storage idea but when I had the room I never did that! Now that I don't have the room I really want to do that! Your former workplace was lucky to have you available in a pinch! My husband and I love frozen pizza and am going to have to try this brand.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I'll have to look for that movie.

I've seen that method before too. Tempting.

HappyK said...

How nice of you go to in on the holiday.
Great tip for artificial trees but now so good for us. We have a real tree. :)

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

You are such a kind nurse to go at the last moment's notice to help the patients. You are indeed a hero! Sounds like you had a busy holiday. Glad everything worked out with the Christmas tree and glad you saw a wonderful movie.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

Kim said...

As my mother would've said, Mari, you're a good egg. Always there to pitch in. I understand your feelings when someone quits without notice. I can't believe how often that happens. When I was a retail manager it used to bug me, but as a teacher, especially of the little ones, I could never understand that behavior. It leaves a giant hole in the care and the hearts of those they care for...anyway, glad you had a nice New Year's Day and I love your tree tip! Awesome!!

Terri D said...

I am sure the staff is happy to see you when you get called into work in your former facility. God bless you and ALL nurses and I am so sorry some of them quit with no notice. It is surely not a job for everyone. I saw (on TV, I think) that a woman had a special tree closet built under a staircase. The tree stand is on wheels and they just toss a sheet over the tree and roll it into the closet until the next year. Talk about easy! I like your idea! Happy new year, Mari. xo

Judy said...

What a neat way to store your tree for the year. We love to doctor up our frozen pizzas in different ways, we'll add onion, green pepper mostly. My uncle used to put hot dogs cut up on his, I never really liked that :)

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

How wonderful that you are able to help out at the skilled nursing facility when they are in need! And thankful it was a rather uneventful evening for you. Seeing Christmas lights always brings cheer. I've never seen the movie, it sounds like a wonderful one! And what a great tip about the Christmas tree! Happy New Year Mari :)