
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Weekend with Alaina

We had a fun weekend at our house. Our son-in-law Aaron's, brother got married on Saturday, so we were blessed to have Alaina from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon!
It was Bob's birthday on Saturday and what better gift, than time with his little sweetie!
I'm afraid that Laura may have to retrain her this week, because she gets non-stop attention over here, and has come to expect it!
I have 2 videos to share with you. (They are both under 30 seconds)
This first one shows her in her jumperoo. She loves this things and can really get going in it.

This second video is of her and Oliver. She is not quite crawling, but can really move. She is fascinated by Oliver and goes right after him. He isn't too thrilled with this new mobility and takes off when she gets close.


Unknown said...

Looks like she is having fun at Grandma and grandpas for sure!!! I don't think the cat was having to much fun tho!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the videos. That is so cute about Oliver backing up from her!!! She is such a happy baby. Hope Bob had a nice birthday.

Betsy Brock said...

Oliver looks a little scared! haha...and I love those bouncy fun! What a cutie she is! :)

ancient one said...

Cute, cute, cute... Loved the videos..

Anna Bailee (Chelsea) said...

How cute, she is getting so big! I love how she turns to look at you when Oliver runs away. said...

Those are the greatest videos. I have never seen the jumper roos! She is really growing up so fast. I can't believe she is crawling already. She will be walking before you know it.

Sylvia said...

what sweet videos (and nice to hear your voice Mari !) Poor Oliver looks petrified!

Maalai said...
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Hootin Anni said...

"Where did Oliver go, Grandma? Huh? Oh wait, I see myself in the stove here, or someone just like me."

And that 1st one...she really get mobiling, doesn't she?

Cute, cute.

Hootin Anni said...

ps....I forgot to wish your sweetie a belated happy birthday. I think I got kinda distracted a bit. hehehehehe

Connie said...

Happy Birthday Bob!
What a fun weekend you two must have had. Alaina is adorable!
She reminds me of our grand-daughter Emily - with the round face and happy smile. Emily is 26 years old now.

Pat said...

I think she's doing a one legged jig for a moment in her jumper! so cute!

Farida said...

I can just imagine the joy brought about Alaina's presence in your home! I have 2 nephews and niece. And though they're much older now, they still bring pleasant surprises to our family. Both videos are adorable.

I am your new follower. I hope to get to know you more as I visit your blog regularly. God bless!

Rebecca said...

Sweet! I'll bet the house feels empty w/o her!

Jean said...

Oh Mari! I loved seeing her in action! Great videos!

Unknown said...

Honestly, what could be a better Birthday gift than that. She is so sweet!

Laura said...

Those are so cute! I love when she looks at you like, "Grandma! Go get that toy back for me - it ran away!"

LL Cool Joe said...

Ha ha she's so cute! I love the way she shuffles along the floor! It won't be long before she's crawling and then watch out!

Jenny said...

I'm over here trying to figure out how many different kinds of devastatingly cute those videos are. Let's just say they're off the charts! Lucky you, having Alaina to yourselves for 48 hours! And a belated happy birthday to Bob.