
Monday, June 4, 2012

Little Varmint

My neighbor is an animal lover and has been known to nurse some wild animals back to health.
The other day she called and said "You have to come over and see what I have here"
She had been driving home from work, when she saw something tiny along the side of the road. When she looked closely she saw it was a baby possum. She pulled into a driveway and watched, but there was no mother in sight and this baby was just wandering around, so she took it home. She kept it overnight and is bringing it to a wild animal rescue place.
In the meantime - they named her Maxie and she seems pretty happy in her temporary home!

Here she is sleeping in a towel.

Look how tiny she is - just a little longer than finger length.
Heather held her, I just looked! She's almost cute - for a possum!


Terri said...

i hope laura comes to visit! it is cute though!

sara said...

I saw this picture on FB and wondered how you got a baby possum! It is so tiny how did she ever see it on the side of the road?!!!

Betsy Brock said...

haha...oh, they are homely little things, aren't they? But as a baby, she is cute! Wow...and so tiny! Can't believe she saw her in the dark!

Unknown said...

I love that she has a heart for creatures : ) I remember that I ran over one on my way home from my waitressing job when I was in college. I called my Daddy crying at one in the morning. He told me to get over it : ) and get home so he could go to sleep. said...

Maxie is cute but honestly, possums scare me. I remember being a kid and discovering one hanging by it's tail in our garage. It flashed it's sharp teeth and that was all it took for me. I will never forget the fear it caused. Bless your friend for being so compassionate! said...

Maxie is cute but honestly, possums scare me. I remember being a kid and discovering one hanging by it's tail in our garage. It flashed it's sharp teeth and that was all it took for me. I will never forget the fear it caused. Bless your friend for being so compassionate!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I can't help it. He's just a bit creepy. :-)

Connie said...

When they are little we have no problem calling them "one of God's little creatures" but when they grow up we weren't so sure what to call them, right? lol

Brooke said...

i'm not sure if that's brave or crazy on heather's part! :P

Pat said...

That's one baby I can't call cute, LOL! Those critters scare me!

Penny said...

Oh my gosh, how precious!! I'm the same way as your neighbor, lol!! We actually "have" a possum, Frank, who comes and eats the cat's food. As our cat doesn't seem to care, I've gotten to just live and let live. He needs food; she is full, so why not? He doesn't bother anyone.

Sandra said...

OH how cute, that is one adorable possum.

I would have been too scared to pick it up though LOL

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwww, sweet thing. Y'know, before moving to Texas I thought I didn't like 'em. But I read and was told by gaming wardens that they EAT cockroaches!! So, they're now my new best friend.

Sweet Tea said...

So tiny - I would never have seen it! It seems a baby "anything" is so cute, but I wouldn't have touched it either, but glad she did!

Jenny said...

Awwwwwww! I want to cuddle Maxie! What a darling baby! I'm so glad your friend rescued her!

Kathy said...

And appropriately so, you had your camera. Little Maxie is cute, as you said, even for a possum. Oh, so sweet!

Jean said...

Didn't there used to be a book about a boy that raised a possum? And eventually he had to let it go. I can't remember the title of it.

ancient one said...

We have a woman in our neighborhood who rescues possums.. has one she keeps in her house... They scare me!!

Raise Them Up said...

Hopefully the folks who are going to take care of it will let it go far from anyone's house! I can't imagine holding it! The only small ones I've ever seen were still hairless--and definitely no where near cute. This girl at least comes close, lol!

Carole said...

When we lived in our first house, our neighbors mother, who lived at the far end of our road, used to take in and nurse all sorts of wild creatures. Some of them even ended up at the vets office, including a batch of opossum babies. It got to be that every time she'd call or walk into the vet, he'd say, 'what have you got now'. lol