
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Flowers everywhere...

There are more flowers blooming in our yard. Here's the latest:

The climbing roses are in a sad state this year. We had such a warm spell early in the year that got everything started, then we were hit with many hard freezes. It really affected the fruit in our state. In our yard it showed up on these roses that usually cover a trellis, but this year we only have a few roses to look at.

This is a view of the new bed Bob put in last year. It's growing like crazy!

This is the first of the ornamental lilies to open. I really like seeing this bright splash of color when I look into the back yard out my kitchen window.

The first blooms on the phlox. Soon there will be a mass of pink flowers in this area.

This is a crazy coneflower. For some reason half of it stayed green.

Isn't this an unusual plant? It's called a sea holly and it really is this bright blue color!

This is Monarda. We have large grouping of them and they are about to open up!

We have a huge oak leaf hydrangea in our front yard. It's loaded with these white flowers, that stay on until winter. It's one of my favorite bushes.

This little turtle lives under the hydrangea. He's a friendly little guy!
Thanks for looking at more flower pics!


Anonymous said...

Your yard is gorgeous. I love your variety of flowers but Bee Balm is my very favorite. I love the fragrance and I always enjoyed watching the hummingbirds visiting the plants. Have a nice week, Mari.

Karin said...

These are all such beautiful photos of your lovely garden! That's got to be a labor of love to keep that looking so wonderful! Your coneflower is interesting! Have never seen a sea holly - looks like it's in the thistle family. What a pretty color! Your turtle is cute - bet he hasn't moved an inch!

Sylvia said...

All those flowers amongst my favourites Mari - although haven't heard of modarno. Very pretty.

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful....I would LOVE to have that sea holly [we don't see many true 'blue' flowers here this far south]. Wondering now if I can find some of them in the nurseries around town.

Sue O said...

You'll be starting a sea holly craze! Now I want some too.

Pat said...

OK, I'm in line to buy a Sea Holly. I love it and have never seen one before!
Your yard is so amazing, it's like a retreat that other people dream of going to!

Farida said...

You have a great collection of blooms right at your very home, wow! By the way, I thought the turtle was real under the hydrangea until I looked closely, hihi... the passersby must find him beneath those blooms a pleasant surprise!

Have a great week ahead, Ms Mari!

LL Cool Joe said...

Love the sea holy, what an unusual colour. Bob looks like a great gardener. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

My roses are sad too for the very same reason! Your garden is quite lovely though!

Penny said...

Beautiful, as always. =)

Beth said...

Such beautiful flowers! My lilies, lilac, and herbs are about the only things doing well this year. The roses and ground cover got hit hard by several pests and I had to severely cut back most of the roses after they had begun to bloom. The one bush is starting to bloom a little but there isn't much stem left to bloom on!
I have those monarda flowers, but had no clue what they were. They came with the house.
I really enjoyed walking through your garden this morning.:>)

Beth said...

Oh it's lavender not lilacs!

Kim said...

That sea holly is the coolest plant! I've often thought it would be fun to do an all blue and yellow garden (two of my favorite colors) but finding true blue plants is a little hard. Have to keep this one in mind :)

Loving all the pretty flower photos I'm seeing on blogland. Our early cold snap in April put an end to most of ours. Although the geraniums by my front door seem to be making a reappearance; I noticed new leaves on it this week.

Brooke said...

beautiful stuff! such an early/hot summer, most of our stuff has already lost their blooms. thanks for sharing yours!

Jenny said...

The color of that sea holly! Spectacular!

Anita said...

You have your own little botanical gardens! How much property do you have? It's all lovely and serene.