
Monday, June 25, 2012

Morning Drive

I love early mornings when there is a little mist hovering over the ground. It makes the whole countryside look so beautiful! I was driving to work a few mornings ago on a day like that, and I took a few pictures to share my morning drive with you.

Just down the road from my house - a beautiful start to the day!

Fields shrouded in mist

Looking ahead, down the gravel road.

The sun - shining through the mist!

The sun lends a golden glow to the mist in the fields.

And as I near my destination, I pass this corn field, where an old tractor is running an irrigation pump, watering the dry fields.

On days like this, I would like to keep driving and enjoying this beauty, but my work awaits. Still - it's such a great way to start the day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these lovely views. I'm an early riser and love the mornings!

Pat said...

It would be a shame to sleep in and miss all this beauty. No matter what the season, the country is beautiful!

Betsy Brock said...

I love morning fog like that! I'm not usually out driving that early unless I have an auction so when I see it I always want to stop and take a picture. Your photos are beautiful!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Wow, beautiful drive. So ethereal and peaceful!

Karin said...

Some days I would like to stay in a fog like this - these photos are so pleasant and relaxing! We had a little fog across the street in the park! It looked lovely.

Beth said...

One of my goals for this coming school year is to leave early enough to be able to stop and take photos of my beautiful drive. You, like me, are blessed with incredible scenery that truly shows off God's handiwork. These are awesome photos, Mari! My favorite is the one of the golden grain field. The tractor is a close second. The last three esp. would make lovely cards. I can see them in Dayspring.:>)

Brooke said...

the Earth reveals the glory of God!

Sadie said...

GORGEOUS! Love the golden field. I would just want to stop and take it all in!

Rebecca said...

I'm glad you had time to stop and capture these beautiful scenes, Mari. I would have done the same thing!

Brenda said...

What a beautiful drive everyday. I can see how that would help get you started.

Terri said...

i think i was going in to work that day too - i hit some fog on the way in

Just Mom said...

Please tell me you pulled over first before taking the pics. ;-D

You captured exactly why my kiddo and I love going for long drives. :-D

Jenny said...

I've said this before but you are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place! Wonderful pictures.

LL Cool Joe said...

What a beautiful drive to work!! Love the photos. Wonderful.

ancient one said...

Great shots on your way to work. I love misty mornings!!

Cheri said...

I love the golden sun picture- beautiful!

Jean said...

Absolutely beautiful and peaceful!! I think I may use one of them for a screen saver.

Anita said...

I wish everyone could have a good attitude while going to work! Being able to focus on such natural beauty "is" a wonderful way to start the day. Thanks for sharing it. :)