
Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Day in my Life

I always share how the first day of the month went for me, and now I'm getting around to it.  This month, the first day fell on my day off.  Here's how the day went.

I got up around 8. it's so nice to sleep in!  It was kind of cool and cloudy as seen in this photo out our front door.  Do you see all the acorns in the landscaping?  They are falling like crazy this year!

I knew this was going to be a busy day in the kitchen.  Before I started there, I threw in a load of laundry.  Then I headed for the kitchen.  Some ladies at church were planning a day of making freezer meals, so they would be available when people needed them.
I was going to be at work on that day, but had volunteered to help with some prep work ahead of time.

I started by browning and draining some ground beef, and packaging it to be used at church.

The next project was making some pumpkin bread.  2 of these loaves were also packaged to freeze and go to church.

While the bread was baking, I did some vacuuming and cleaned the bathrooms.

Next up was making this Toffee Apple Dip to bring to work the next day.  2 of my fellow nurses had a birthday and we were bringing treats to celebrate.  This dip is perfect in the fall with crisp apples.

After that was done, I cleaned up the kitchen and folded the laundry.  I also had some soup going in the crockpot for supper.

While I was doing that, Bob had been working on a project in the Dining room, that I'll show you later.

By the afternoon, the sun had come out and the temps were in the low 70's.

In the back yard I found this pretty leaf.

We also saw this flock of turkeys run through the back yard.  I only captured one on the camera before they ran off.

I had picked up a mum and some pumpkins.  I got them arranged on the porch.  Just like I did last year, I used an old milk can from my Dad's farm to set next to the door, and also used the old wire egg basket from the farm to fill with pumpkins.  It brings me joy to see those things he used, out on my porch.

It was feeling pretty nice out, so Bob and I took a little time to enjoy it on the porch.

We had to run to town to pick up a prescription.  I talked Bob into taking the back roads home to see some Fall beauty.

The corn is ready for the harvest.

This little stream is pretty no matter the season.

You know, I always like an old barn!

When we got home, it was time for supper.  We had this Chicken Taco Soup that was ready in the crockpot. It's one of my favorites!

After supper, I finished my grocery list and we had a quiet evening. It was a busy, but really good day!

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