
Sunday, October 27, 2024

Autumn Splendor

It has been such a beautiful Autumn here.  We've had warm temperatures and sunshine.  The color changes have been a little slow, but suddenly they've popped!  Bob and I did a little driving on the back roads last week, just wandering and seeing what beauty we could find.

A one room school house

Yes, that's an old outhouse.

Another old one room schoolhouse

Here's my view at work

Here's our street.  Our driveway is on the left, just ahead of the trees that are meeting over the road.  

This is the view from our porch

Our side yard

And our front yard.  

God has surrounded us with beauty! The leaves are really starting to fall, so I'm afraid this will soon be gone, but we are enjoying it right now.

"Autumn winds begin to blow,
Colored leaves fall fast and slow,
Whirling, twirling all around,
Till at last they touch the ground."


Susan said...

OMG, those are all so beautiful! You are blessed to be surrounded by all that beauty! I love those one room school houses too. Enjoy your week, Mari!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The tree-lined path is beautiful, and so is the one below the first schoolhouse. Those are my two favorites. It looks like you live in Paradise! So the schools, are they preserved and open to the public?

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Are the one room school houses being used? We have two in our county that are in the mountains that are used for a handful of school children. I think it’s neat the district still offers it.
Your area is an Autumn paradise for sure. Keep taking those Fall photos. They are beautiful

Mari said...

The school houses are owned by the county and are used for school trips and occasional open houses. We've been in both, and they are set up with old desks, chalkboards and other school related items. So interesting to see!

Billie Jo said...

My friend, what absolutely beautiful photos of your autumn splendor! Thank you for sharing. It is always so wonderful when this time. It is fleeting!

roentare said...

The autumn views are so good

Prims By The Water said...

Yeah I think we missed the color here. My mom had some beautiful colors last week when I visited her. Those school houses are so nice to see being restored. They sure dont make them like they use to. Janice

Changes in the wind said...

Beautiful thanks for sharing.....

Donna said...

What a gorgeous place you live!! Love all the trees!

Dianna said...

Mari, I'm afraid if I had the view in front of me that you have at work, I probably wouldn't get nearly as much work done because I'd be spending my time viewing the beauty God has given this time of year in the color of those trees.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your trees - especially the one out of your front door. Your area is beautiful. How far are you from the two one room schoolhouses and out house? You are in a gorgeous area.

Happy@Home said...

It looks like no matter where you look the views are spectacular. So much beauty and the schoolhouses are charming. Enjoy!

photowannabe said...

How magical. I love just driving around to see what can be found.
The views from your home and the porch are so lovely. I feel a bit of envy.
Great view at work too.
Thanks for sharing.

Jeanette said...

It certainly has been a beautiful Fall! Lots of sunshine and beauty all around! Let's hope that in the Spring we can say that it certainly was a mild Winter! LOL!

Terri D said...

Nothing can top God's color pallet!! Breathe in the beauty!! Wow.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Exquisite! Our white oak is finally turning. It always makes me sad. I love your street. xoxo

Miss Merry said...

Oh the colors!!!! They are so beautiful this year!! What a lovely ride. Thank you for treating us to the views.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello dear Mari! I'm back from our epic trip and now playing catch up. You know how much I love this post and all the Fall beauty you share!! I feel like I need to soak it all up because my fave season has been flying by while I've been away. That tree in your yard is glorious!!

HappyK said...

Ye, it sure has been a pretty Fall as your pictures tell us.
Most of our leaves are gone now.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Looks really beautiful where you live! Very very lovely! We just came home from the mountains, where there was so much beauty, and then back here to Florida where everything is still pretty much just green or drab brown...and very warm still! I enjoyed your post.

acorn hollow said...

it is such a beautiful time of year! Our color is gone now the leaves are falling

Kim said...

Beautiful...and that one room schoolhouse so charming. I'd love to know more about that! Enjoy the leaves, they are suddenly turning fast and furiously here!

Jean said...

So much beauty!! I love your house so much!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such wonderful Autumn colour, I just love this season.

All the best Jan

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Lovely shots.
You truly are surrounded by beauty.