
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Marshall, Michigan

 I'm back from my little break. Because I just started my new job in December, I don't have much vacation time.  Bob and I usually take our vacation in September, so this year we just took a long weekend.
Before I tell you more, I need to share what happened before we left.  We planned to leave mid morning on Friday.  I was at work Thursday, when I got a message from Bob. He had left work and was not feeling well at all.  I was immediately concerned about covid when he gave me his symptoms, and thought this weekend might not happen.  I did a covid test on him when I got home and it was negative.  So we thought we would see what the morning brough.
He was feeling a little better in the morning, so we thought we were back on track.  However, suddenly there was a hot, smoky smell in the kitchen and then the refrigerator made a crackling sound and quit. 
We were thankful it happened while we were still home!  Thankfully we have a spare refrigerator in the garage, so we loaded everything into it and went to buy a new frig. 
Then we were off - a little later than expected, but still on our way.
We went to Marshall, Michigan which is said to be the most historic city in Michigan.  Marshall is a little over 1 1/2 hours from our house.

Every year they have a 2 day tour of historic homes and buildings.  We love history and old homes so we knew we would enjoy this.

We stayed in the National House Inn, which was built in 1835 and served as a stagecoach stop between Chicago and Detroit. It was a beautiful place, full of charm and history.

Across from the inn is a huge fountain with seating areas around it.

This was our room.

Here are a few other rooms that we got to a chance to see, each one different and each one named for someone important in Marshall's history.

This is the entry.  The fireplace and old wood floors were amazing.

This is the dining room.  We enjoyed some delicious breakfasts here.

There was even a pretty little garden with a sitting area.

This is now a little telephone nook, but it used to be a closet under the stairs.  But, behind the wall was a hidden area, where someone could look out through grates in the stairway, and see who might be coming in the door.  There was a trapdoor hidden in the floor that let to a secret room in the basement.  It was a way to hide runaway slaves and help them get to safety.  

Do you ever buy Win Schulers cheese?  Win Schuler was from Marshall and had a restaurant there.  My friend Bonnie had told me often how they enjoyed eating there, so we had supper there on our first night.  It was delicious.  This is how they served their famous meatball appetizers.

Tomorrow I'll share more about the home tour.


Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad that Bob is feeling better and that he didn't have Covid. It's good you were still able to go, but that you got things situated with your fridge before you went so you didn't come back to a lot of spoiled food. Marshall looks like a charming town with lots of neat history. I will look forward to your historic home tour! Thanks for taking us along. Have a great week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad things worked out for you. Did you have any problems buying a new fridge? I have heard that since covid, they are very hard to buy, much less to have delivered. What a beautiful and historic place! Just perfect for a weekend getaway, and with not much driving either. Such a charming way to serve the meatballs! Do you know who the person is in the photo over your bed?

Susan said...

Hi Mari, I am glad you were able to get away and enjoy your mini vacay to Marshall. I love to go to historical places too. We went to Virginia City while we were in Lake Tahoe. It was a gold mining city. Enjoy your new refrig!

Joyful said...

That was quite the dramatic start to your time away. I'm glad you were both able to get away as planned albeit a bit later. It looks like you stayed in a wonderful little town and had a beautiful place to rest.

Hootin Anni said...

Good to hear Bob wasn't seriously ill ...and refrigerator is replaced. Great historical city! I look forward to seeing more.

16 blessings'mom said...

I love weekend getaways, love the beauty of the Marshall House. I'm glad Bob wasn't seriously sick, ugh with refrigerator problems too! Once ours quit while Paul was in Germany for work. I had to buy a new one, and the new one had all sorts of issues. I had a trip planned to visit our son who was stationed at Arlington, and the refrigerator kept turning was too fancy for us, set to a factory display setting, a simple fix but not at the time. The kids back at home were calling me non-stop, I was on the road to D.C., on the phone with Lowes...finally got it straightened. Never a dull moment, right? I'm glad you got some time away though, looked lovely.

DUTA said...

'All's well that ends well'! You got to your historical city as planned. Everything looked pretty at your inn :the room, the garden, the dining area. I'm sure the tour was worth the time and effort.

Suemn said...

I'm glad you were there when the fridge stopped working. Can you imagine coming home to a broken fridge and all the spoiled food? It's sounding like you had a great vacation break and I'm looking forward to hearing more about it.

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi Mari- glad Bob is OK and you were both able to go on holiday. Marshall looks to be a lovely place and where you stayed in charming- so much character. Best Wishes to you. Regards. KEV.

Deb said...

Glad things worked out and didn't keep you from your trip. What an awesome place to stay! I love history too. Oh my gosh, I will just stare at those inn pics and enjoy for a while. =)

Billie Jo said...

Hello! And welcome back! Thank you for sharing the photos of your trip! I love to see inside those beautiful places. I am so glad your man didn't have Covid. And that you were home when the fridge quit!

Changes in the wind said...

So glad you were home when the refrigerator quit, it would have been a horrible mess and loss to come home to. What a beautiful place you are staying at. Loved the pictures.

Sandy said...

Glad Bob feels better and didn't have a positive test. Though just yesterday I read you should have 2 or 3 negative tests (consecutive days) before you can safely rely on the home test. Hubby's first home test was negative, the following day positive. He just tested negative again yesterday after about 10 days. I got it a day or two after him so was still positive yesterday and we'll test again later today. Such a bummer the way it messes with your plans. I've not heard of Marshall, but it looks like a delightful spot to visit.
Sandy's Space

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well, so far so good! Bob feeling better so quickly is the best news. UGH sorry about the fridge! That is hardly something you're ever really ready for. Gorgeous town and inn! That quaint dining room looks like just the place to enjoy a delicious breakfast! Can't wait to see the rest of your trip. xoxo

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hi Mari ~ It sounds like it was a wonderful break (minus a naughty fridge). We're kindred souls in the loving of vintage places and their history. What a beautiful place! I'm so glad you 2 got a nice getaway. Especially with how hard you work. xoxo

Terri D said...

I'm so glad Bob didn't have Covid and you were able to get away for your long weekend!! Looking forward to your next post!! xo

HappyK said...

I can't help but think that God made you have that little delay!!

Looks like a great town for a getaway.

No, I've never had Win Schulers cheese

Mari said...

In answer to Ginny - we had no trouble getting a frig. We bought it Friday and they delivered it on Monday when we came home!
I don't know who is in the picture over the bed. I think it just fits the era.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I like historic old towns. I would have been very happy to visit there.

Mary M said...

I am so happy that Bob didn’t have Covid, and you both were able to get away for some time together. Thank you for sharing the photos and details with us all, Mari. What a charming inn, I love places like that. In summer of 2019 I got to tour a former old coaching inn in my town that served as a museum along with the old one room school house, it wasn’t as nice as they place you stayed in, but places like that are windows to places in time.

Jeanette said...

I'm glad your refrigerator didn't decide to quit while you were gone. It could have been a real tragedy! Glad Bob is feeling better, too and it wasn't Covid. Marshall looks like a cute little town! Believe it or not I have never been! I need to make it a point to visit more small towns in this state! The B 7 B looks lovely!

Doris said...

What a charming place to stay! So glad you were still home when your frig went kaput. Yikes!

Doris said...

Not sure my comment went anywhere...computers are so weird sometimes! Anyway....What a charming place to stay! Also glad that your frig decided to go kaput before you left!!

Jean said...

Oh my goodness! All those things happening right before your getaway!! I'm thankful Bob didn't have COVID. And yes, it's great you could handle that fridge emergency before you left! A few years ago we came home to a fridge with a burnt out motor because the freezer door had not been closed properly! What a mess!!

I love the place where you stayed!!