
Monday, June 13, 2022

Sweet neighbor girls

 We have some sweet little neighbor girls.  They are 7 and 8.  I've shared things about them in the past.  They love to talk to us when we're outside, and they talk a lot!  They have chickens and show the little chicks to us.  They often ask me to take their pictures with the chickens.  :)
Lately, they've started leaving little gifts on the front porch for us. Often,we see them trying to sneak past the front window to leave things at the door.

On this day there were notes, candy, flowers and some stones they collected on a trip out west last year.

A few days later there were more notes and some $1 and $2 bills.  I snuck that money back to their parents.  :)

One day after school the door bell rang and the 7 year old said she painted us a picture at school.

and more notes!

Last Saturday Bob was transplanting some things and I was working inside, when I saw this scene in the back yard.

They even went and got some gardening gloves so they could help him.

And here they are helping replant.
They told him to just call them anytime he needed help.  :)
He said his ears were tired, but I know he enjoyed every moment!
And we love having these little sweeties next door!


Deb J. in Utah said...

This is so sweet. You and Bob are wonderful neighbors! Have a great week.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Those are some sweet neighbors you have. What little sweethearts. I love the photos of your husband gardening and them helping. You are sure kind hearted too. It is always nice to see joy and kindness in action. Thank you. ALso thanks for the nice comments you leave my my blog.
Things were looking up here until tonight when the a/c fan stopped working. It was 98 today. Thank goodness the temps will drop to the 80's. We pray the a/c people will be able to come out early.
Have a blessed week. Thank you. HUGS across the miles

Ginny Hartzler said...

What sweet and generous little girls! I wonder if they have any friends?

Mari said...

Ginny - We don't live in town, so there aren't lots of neighbors and the ones there are don't have little kids. They do have friends over sometimes.

Suemn said...

Ha! Ha! I've never heard that one about the ears getting tired.

Changes in the wind said...

That is just precious!!

Kerin said...

Love that they are so generous of nature and kind-hearted little girls!
As we were raising our kids, we always lived in older neighborhoods in the country and all of our neighbors took our kids under their wings as bonus grandchildren. How lucky your neighbors are to have you as bonus grandparents, and you are lucky to have them as bonus Grands :)
It's as neighbors should be...kind and looking out for each other :)


HappyK said...

How sweet that the girls have takin a liking to you two and how nice that you take the time with them.
Perhaps they don't have grandparents around and they have adopted you. :)

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I can't stop grinning. This just made my day. They just know you 2 are the sweetest folks ever - so it's no surprise. And they probably pick up on all the practice you've had as grandparents. If I lived next door I'd be talking your ears off too. Lol 😂
God bless you beautiful peeps. xoxo

Terri D said...

How very sweet and cute!! Do they play with Alaina and Ruby? Very cute that Bob's ears were tired! I can only imagine!! LOL Thanks for sharing your little neighbors with us! xo

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

That is just so precious! They adore you! What a blessing that you and your husband are part of their lives. I just loved the pictures of them helping your husband, and oh those notes, just so touching! May the Lord use you in powerful ways to mentor, love and encourage them!

Susan said...

That is so sweet. I bet they see you as grandparents. I am blessed to have my grands around a lot, especially in the summer. I can't imagine not having them in our live. The older two have entered the teenage stage and not as talkative as they use to be. Enjoy your grand girls!

Dianna said...

This is so precious, Mari! We have some Littles next door who love to "run away from home" to our house. We are always happy to have them...just like I know Bob enjoyed these sweeties company.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Bless their hearts, so loving and giving! May God bless them even more than He already has, with neighbors such as you and Bob. xoxo

Jean said...

How adorable!! I think you have some extra grandchildren!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That's so sweet.
Bet it makes your heart happy.

Tracy dixon said...

Awww that is so sweet. They seem smitten with you two and have claimed yall. They seem to want y'alls attention pretty badly. You never know. Y'all could be the best influence on them and not even know it.