
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Life lately

Last week I shared about our wonderful, peaceful vacation.  Unfortunately, the week that followed was not so peaceful.  While I was in church Sunday, I got a message that the State had shown up at work, for our annual survey and they needed all the managers to come in.  I was not happy about them showing up on a Sunday, but after church I went in.  
When they are in the building, we can't leave until they do, so there were some late days.  Our building, like every health care place around is dealing with lack of staff.  The surveyors said they see this everywhere, but they aren't any easier on us because of it.  And, because of the pressure of them being there, one of our new nurses quit, saying she couldn't handle it.  Then our ADON put in her notice because missing another nurse makes those of us on call, have to work even more.  This leaves our Director of Nursing and myself, to be on call every other week and fill in whatever holes are in the schedule, and also get our own work done.  It's getting exhausting and I'm feeling like I can't handle it much longer. But, I love my job and really don't want to quit...  We are needing nurses, nurse aides, housekeepers and kitchen staff!  In our area there are help wanted signs all over.  In health care around here, they are offering big sign on bonuses, but even that doesn't seem to help. 
So, I'd appreciate your prayers for direction and staff!

On another note, I took my Dad in for surgery on Friday.  He had a nodule on his vocal cords that was really affecting his speech.  He's had it removed once before and it had some precancerous cells.  Now it had grown back.  The Dr felt it was still the same cells, but he took more out this time, to hopefully avoid it coming back too soon.
The surgery went well and he was able to go home shortly after with instructions to not speak at all for 2 days, then speak minimally for a week.  The nurses couldn't believe he was 90!

Here he is, all ready to go home.  I'm thankful everything went so well.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari. So glad you got to get away before things go super stressful. Our health care workers out here in Utah are feeling the stress of Covid as well and many have quit. There are shortages of workers everywhere. I am glad to hear that your dad's surgery went well. He looks great - not 90 at all! You and your family will be in my prayers this week. Virtual hugs from Utah and a big THANK YOU for being a health-care hero!!

Linda said...

Keeping your dad in prayer and he does not look 90, Mari! I can fully understand about being understaffed; we are down 3 men due to covid. That only leaves the 2 of us to run the warehouse, and it has been miserable.

Kim said...

Glad your dad is doing well! He looks great. So sorry to hear about the struggles at work. I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better unfortunately. I tried to see a doctor last week when I wasn’t feeling well and they told me they couldn’t see me for two weeks. They’d lost several PAs and the docs were overwhelmed. That was at two separate practices. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers hoping things ease up soon.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, your Dad looks decades younger than he is! What an awful situation your workplace is in; I sure hope they get some new employees really soon!

Susan said...

I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. My daughter is going to be busy too because 3 staff members won't get a vaccine and are being let go. They work in OB and have been super busy because of all the babies conceived during lockdown. I hope you don't have to leave your job. Praying for you Mari.

Hootin Anni said...

I hear your frustration and stress of your job!! It's too bad and sad for such a wonderful,and once admired occupation. Giving to others is a god-send to so many families. You should be proud. But, I truly understand about thoughts of retiring since the can only handle so much stress.

Yes, your father looks like a young "whipper snapper" at 90!!!!

Tracy dixon said...

Short staffing is happening everywhere in every occupation. It'd hard to get people to work no a days because everyone got use to being on unemployment and stimulus checks, that they don't want to work. Business owners are having to close because lack of staff. I've seen more help wanted signs and adds than I have in two years. It's a sad situation. Glad your dad is OK. My dad just had knee replacement surgery and is recovering well. Now my momma has to have surgery on her rotar cuff. She was waiting until my dad got better so they could schedule hers and he could take care of her. They both have a road of recovery to go down.

Terri D said...

Mari, you have my prayers, dear friend! Life gets so hard now and then. Shame on that nurse for quitting without notice and leaving you in the lurch like that. Prayers are being lifted for more staff to sign on. I am so glad your dad came through the surgery! God is good. Love & hugs! xo

Doris said...

Oh Mari, I feel this stress so much. It's been 11 years but still the memories are so real. I had to fill in scheduling holes all.the.time. and it was beyond exhausting. I pray you will find good replacements for these positions and soon. And I pray the state inspectors will stay away!!
So glad your dad is doing so well after his surgery. No talking, oh my.
Sending hugs your way and saying prayers for you this morning ❤

Sparky said...

Hope I don't get banned for saying this, but this stress, man, is getting to us all. I hear it's hit the healthcare industry and food servers really hard. The Government has got to stop pushing the fear porn over the Chinese head cold. Everybody's gonna get it. Sadly, some will not survive. But it does have a 99% survival rate. Let's move on! Guess it's all part of the devil's plan to destroy this Country and our culture. I pray for all of us. And I hope your stress is little.
Almost all the same Nurses are still at Baptist Village Retirement (Nursing Home) where Steve's Mom is. Perhaps it's because we have a Republican Governor that there's not so much stress in that regards.
Your Dad does look so good for 90. Well done him. I pray he heals quickly and has no more problems.
Sending Prayers & Blessings. xx

Changes in the wind said...

Mari I am so sorry things are so difficult at work. It is a stressful job without the shortages and it seems that it just gets worse with all the regulations and etc. Glad your Dad is doing well.

Arlene G said...

Oh Mari...I am so sorry. I think this is happening everywhere. One of my cousins is a nurse in ICU in Savannah, Ga and he said that he is pulled to the other ICUs because they are short handed., I think the inspectors should make allowances for the short staff. You can only do what you can do!! And your dad looks so good...I can see the nurses being surprised.

R's Rue said...

Praying my friend.

Jeanette said...

That is a lot of stress! I don't know what the answer is to this worker shortage! Well, maybe they should cut off all of the extra unemployment benefits people are getting! I don't blame you for being upset at the state coming on a Sunday! 'm glad your dad is doing well. God bless his long life!

Debi said...

I am so sorry that work is so stressful. I hear about the struggles from my friends and family who are in health care, it is so frustrating and wearing on all of you. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that something takes a turn and you can hire more help so that you can continue to do the job you love. Hope your dad heals fast and well. My dad is 90 also (he will be 91 in January) and lives with my brother. He's still pretty active but we have all noticed that he has slowed down...he is bemoaning the fact that he can no longer play 18 holes of golf and can only manage nine... we think that is pretty darned good for 90!! Take care and have a good week.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

This goes along with my Information post of today....

You do not mention the mandate for the *so called vaccine* but I have to think, that that, is part of the reason for the lack of staff.

With all the ridiculous Gov. Mandates, our wonderful Health Care, will soon be like that, of a third rate country.

Best of luck to your wonderful Father!

And Courage! to you.


Connie said...

When is this nightmare going to end. It is the same story wherever you go. So sorry you have it at the nursing home too. Praying people start going back to work

Henny Penny said...

I can only imagine how stressful you job must be, and especially now, being short of help and on call. Don't know how you handle it and stay so sweet and kind...which I know you are. So glad your Dad came through the surgery so well. That is wonderful. Hope things get easier.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

My 2 sons work at Care facilities and what you are describing is exactly what is going on here as well. My daughter-in-law is a nurse that works the covid ward in the hospital. They are losing nurses right and left.

Prayers for you and all those in the medical field. It's a mess.

Beth Cotell said...

Pryaing you are able to find help and relief soon. Nursing homes and hospitals and short staffed here as well. So glad you Dad is doing well!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

OH Mari - I'm so sorry for the continued stress at work. I never understood why State couldn't be more helpful, besides being thorough and have high expectations. Sigh. I'm going to be praying the rosary each day in the month of October through my church for increased vocations, but I will include increased help in health care too. Power of prayer ❤️
And God bless your sweet Dad. He is one tough cookie! xoxo

Jenny the Pirate said...

Mari I'm so sorry to hear that you went through this. I hope that by this time some of these issues are resolved although I would not be surprised to learn that they are not. I don't know how you do it. And I am amazed by your dad's strength and ability to just keep on moving forward, at his age. It is such a gift from God, that kind of humble, quiet determination. xoxo