
Monday, September 6, 2021

A Day in my life - September!

 I think the months go quicker in Summer.  It seems once the 4th of July is here, Fall is just around the corner.  I love Summer, warm weather, long days, flowers... and I hate to see it come to an end.  But, ready or not, September is now here!
Here's how I spent the first day of the month.

Could the day start any prettier?  This is a field just around the corner from our house.  It was a little before 7, and there was a low lying fog on the ground as I drove to work.

This is the mailbox outside my door.  It's amazing how many things can fill it up from the time I leave around 5, till I come back the next day.  :)

Ever since the beginning of Covid, we've had to have our doors locked.  People have to ring the doorbell and be checked in to get inside.  This is a temp check, and and checklist of symptoms. Staff is once again testing twice a week as the Delta Varient has increased.  Visitors are asked to test but its not mandated.
It's really quite a pain in the neck, because that doorbell is always ringing and someone has to run and open it and go through all that stuff...

All that to explain, that when I get to work, I usually start by going to both units to make sure the nurses are doing ok.  As I was walking, I heard the bell and went to let someone in.  I noticed these beautiful hydrangea bushes and stepped out to take a photo.  The bench in front of them was donated by a dear family in memory of their Husband and Dad after he passed.  We have a few benches like this.  I notice them so often as I walk in and remember both the resident and their families.

After I let this person in, I noticed someone else walking from the back of the parking lot.  To my dismay - it was a state inspector!  She was here for a revisit, after a previous inspection.  I checked her in and she immediately started walking the facility to watch staff.  I then called our other managers to tell them to come in.  
I have no other photos from the day.  When the state is there, it's always very busy and stressful.  They ask lots of questions, are always out watching whats happening and it makes everyone nervous.  Because I'm the infection control nurse, she talked to me a lot, as they are focusing on that with covid.
It was a long day.  I finally left a little after 6, knowing I needed to be back before 7 because she would be back again!

It was a beautiful drive home, with scenes that show Fall is coming.

I love the hay bales in the fields.

And barns!

The corn is nearly ready for harvest.

And these crates and stacked up, ready to gather pumpkins.

I got home and Bob had heated supper.  It was so nice out, that we sat out on the porch to eat and talk.
The evening was quiet and soon it was time for bed.  
It wasn't a great start to the month at work, but at least that inspection is done.  And it was a gorgeous day!


Debi said...

I hope all goes well with your inspection. I used to be the baker in a school cafeteria and I remember those inspections. Everyone was on edge until they were over. I like to see the hay bales in the fields too... great photo!

Susan said...

It is so beautiful where you live! I hope your inspections go well!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Goodness, the inspector is coming back tomorrow as well? How nerve wracking! You sure live in a beautiful place! Fall is beautiful, but it is sad to see summer go, and take with it the light and the flowers.

Laurel Wood said...

I can imagine how stressful the inspection is. I enjoyed the fog photo from your drive into work. I am seeing touches of fall too. Of course, it will stay warm til thanksgiving here. Glad you and Bob could enjoy your meal outdoors. The hydrangeas at your office are so nice.

Catherine said...

I love hay bales in the field too. Here the corn is not ready yet to be harvested but yesterday the farmer prepared the field for winter.
I am sure the inspection went well and that elderly people are well cared, which is not the case in my country.

Terri D said...

You always have the most beautiful photos, Mari. So sorry your month started with the inspector there but, as you said, nice that it is over. All visitors at Helen's facility have to be temp-checked and get a COVID test now. I only go once a week now and don't mind the test. I am always happy that it is negative but it does cause extra work for the staff at the entrance. Memory care is always locked and I have to ring that doorbell to get in and then find someone to let me out. The check-in is in the assisted living building and they give me a ticket to take to memory care. It's all good. Love & hugs, and thank you for the work you do. xo

Arlene G said...

Those pesky I know they have a job to do but I remember how they made us all so nervous. Not that we were not doing our jobs but they just caused anxiety with the watching and questioning. Covid is raging again in my hometown. I do not think many people got vaccinated. Hopefully that will change as people see the need for the vaccine. It is nice to see those memorials to patients you remember fondly.

Suemn said...

It sounds like those inspections are stressful. You had me getting stressed just reading about it. ha! I do understand though that there is a reason they have them so I guess that's better than just having them because they stress people out right? I hope all goes well and I'm glad you were able to unwind a bit later in the day with your husband.

Jeanette said...

You do have a pretty drive to and from work. I had a pretty drive to work too past farms and fields. I use to really enjoy it and it helped me decompress after my day! I don't miss the job but I do miss that drive!

R's Rue said...

Beautiful photos. I hope your day is wonderful.

Sparky said...

Y'all sure live in a pretty area. I always love your photos.
Sorry your day was so hectic. I'm glad Georgia has quit all that checking nonsense. Our Nursing Homes and everything else are wide open. No checking. It's wicked to hold people prisoners like that, in my opinion. It would be different if the virus could be stopped but it can't. Mom sure is glad to be Free At Last anyway. *lol*
Blessings. xx

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

YOu live in a beautiful area.

My 3 adult kids work in the medical profession and they are always stressed out when the "state" comes for their reviews and checks.

Kim said...

Oh those inspections would make me a little nervous, too. I remember when the administrators would come to watch us in the classroom. Not fun...although the rest of your day looks tranquil.

Jean said...

Oh Mari, I think my blood pressure raises a little just reading about the inspector!!! How do you do it?? I'm so glad your evening was more peaceful. How often do the inspectors come? Hopefully not every month!

Doris said...

Just reading about a state visit makes me tense...and it's been over 11 years since I experienced one!! Your role with them is very involved and so intense. Hugs!
Fall certainly has started to show up. I also hate to see summer leave!

Linda said...

Such lovely photos. Our hosp. is no doing all that, Mari. The.hosp. so sad.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

So sorry you had to deal with the state folks again. Sigh. Never a fun time. I love how your eye sees the beauty in even the simplest of things. That's how I am with flowers and nature too. I'm sorry summer is ending too - but I'm feeling more and more ready for my favorite season. 😉 Blessings on the rest of your week. xo

Hootin Anni said...

I understand inspections!! Bud and I both dealt with that in our jobs.

Love the barn photo.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari. I must have missed this post when we were out of town. Sounds like you had a busy, stressful day, but you found the good things in the day and made the best of things. I love your example. Thanks for sharing your first day of September. Hope this month is a good one!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh Mari it makes my stomach ache when I read about those inspectors breathing down your neck! xoxo