I was tagged by Luann of Daily Grace and Mercy for this 8 meme. Here's a few things about me, in groups of 8:
8 things I am looking forward to this summer:
1. warm weather
2. flowers blooming
3. Heather finishing college
4. having fresh fruits and veggies
5. getting more healthy
6. spending time with family
7. taking pictures
8. a trip to Colorado to see Andy if we can work it out
8 things I did yesterday (Saturday):
1. went to work
2. took a walk
3. did laundry
4. made brownies
5. worked on my Bible study lesson
6. watched a movie (Australia)
7. read blogs
8. made supper
8 things I wish I could do:
1. speak another language
2. play the piano better
3. travel
4. volunteer
5. public speaking
6. draw
7. knit
8.have a talent for decorating
8 shows I watch:
1. Biggest Loser
2. Lost
3. Survivor
4. The Office
5. Extreme Home Makeover sometimes
That's about it - sorry, but I don't have 8.
I'm supposed to tag 8 people to do this, but I've seen this on several blogs, so if you are interested, feel free!
Fun list. The reason you can't come up with 8 tv shows is b/c you're always on the computer- hee hee
Cheri - I have to say you are right. I'm on the computer way more than I watch tv!
That's got to be true for most blogger's yes? Who has time to watch 8 TV shows?? Mari, I bet you play the piano just wonderful, have a great week:)
Your sister is funny! I think it's just that there aren't that many good shows to watch. I actually hadn't seen this tag anywhere before. It was fun reading yours as usual.
Fun post. I'm a list person so these kind of tags are fun for me. I wouldn't have trouble picking 8 shows I watch -- I download even more than that when there are new episodes. The Closer is my favorite, followed closely by NCIS, Criminal Minds, CSI New York and the original CSI, Bones, Life, The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, Numb3rs, Flashpoint, Lie To Me, House, 24, Castle, Cold Case and Without A Trace. Wow, that's 16! Of course there's rarely a week when all of them are on, but I do probably watch an average of 8 hours a week. That doesn't include video podcasts of quilting shows :-)
My husband and son watch LOST and it's like two women [I swear] when they get together on the phone and talk about 'last night's' episode. LOL Your Saturday sounded awesome...I love to walk, I LOVE brownies [got milk?] and the movie Australia was very good for me...did you like it? What part of Colorado are you planning to visit? I grew up in Colorado....know almost each and every crook and cranny there. LOL And Heather finishing College? What degree? What major? How exciting!
Have a blessed Monday.
Hope you get your trip to Colorado! I would love a brownie right now :) I used to knit. I want to try it again soon. I hear it is so relaxing. I could use some stress free time!
I didn't realize Heather was graduating! WOW! That's awesome! Congrats!
I love reading these lists. It lets me know you just a little bit better! I do hope you get to go to Colorado, that would be wonderful. With all that you fit in your day, I don't know how you would have time for 8 TV shows!
'play the piano better' ... I just wish a could play the piano- or guitar.
I didn't know you were a losty!!!! Boy Jeremiah would love to talk to you! He's always talking about what he thinks is really going on! I just try to stay afloat!
Fun list! I want to do most of your "things I wish I could do" only I would add sing to mine... I can't carry a tune lol..
Well, now, wait a minute ... you ARE a great decorator! I know this and I've never even been to your house! In fact I'd hazard a guess that you're a regular domestic goddess despite your busy schedule and the way you look after your brood.
Your Saturday sounds as though it was lovely!
I don't have eight shows either~! Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy are about it.
Love the list Mari! Just as an FYI! I bought some parchment paper --- thanks to you! I can't wait to try it - now of course, the question is WHERE- I am thinking South personally - I am desperately trying to minimize cooking up north! LOL!
That was fun to read Mari :) I also watched Australia a few days ago, did you like it?
LOST and The Office are my two very favorite shows!
Fun lists. I love these kinds of memes. I haven't seen this anywhere else either....perhaps I will join the fun.
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