It was a tough Winter, but Spring is here! I though I would show you a few pictures of Spring in West Michigan.
There is state property near our house where I like to walk. The river is nearby. All this water was frozen, not too long ago, and even though the trees are without leaves, it looks pretty!
Our forsythia's give a bright splash of yellow in the back yard.
Down the road from our house is a farm, where horses are boarded. I was out walking early in the morning and was able to see them being let out of the barn. It was fun to see them running around the pasture, with their tales and manes flying. They looked happy to be out in the nice weather too!
Some of the flowering trees are blooming and I see a few trees getting green!
"Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come."
Song of Solomon 2:12
We're still mostly gray, too, with little bits of buds and slight bits of green on the trees. It's close!!! I've now seen some daffodils and tulips. I think the trees I've seen with the most green are weeping willows. I think we have cherry blossoms and something else kind of like that, but I'm not tree knowledgable. Oh, and the forsythia are in full yellow bloom. Whoopee, I can feel it in the air, and if I didn't, my occasional sneezing would give it away.
*sigh* Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Spring photos! I was missing Spring in the Midwest as we head into Fall in the southern hemisphere. The purple crocus makes me so happy! :-)
Beautiful pictures, Mari. And I can see you live in a beautiful and quiet place.
I love spring. Spring and Autumn!
Have a wonderful Monday
You live in a pretty place Mari. Very nice pictures and thanks for sharing.
Happy Spring!
It is a beautiful spring day in Michigan! Love your pictures!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so so beautiful!! I do love Spring. That one photo of the water and its reflecting the trees is absolutely breathtaking.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
I love those horses running around- they do look happy.
It is beautiful around here right now. I love spring!!
Can I live with you? If I lived in such a peaceful, beautiful area I might even takes walks! If I could pack up my children and grands I'd move to your area in a heartbeat!
Your pictures are of professional could have a second career!
i love all the spring colors! :)
Mari, it is simply beautiful in your neck of the woods...thanks for taking us on a journey of the beauty that surrounds you. Loved the pics!!!
I LOVED your photos! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!
it seriously seems like just last week there was a photo of all that white snow and your cat taking an adventure in it!
Great pictures Mari! I love the crocuses!
Gorgeous pictures! Now I want to run to Michigan and see for myself. I'm ready for spring :)
Love the pictures Mari! I love the different shades of green mixed in with all the flowers you get in the spring!
Your photos are breathtaking! It's hot as an oven here, and the humidity is starting up too. I can't wait for the pool to be warm enough for a relaxing, refreshing swim!
i think i should come to your state for vacation just for the scenery!
You always have themost beautiful pictures! I love that you take the time to notice these small beautiful details.
Those are Awesome pictures. Love the crocuses and the creek.
Spring is beautiful- I just hate the back and forth temperatures. It was 85 Monday and 68 Tuesday
Hello Mari, this is Karen - I am just getting my new blog up and running! Thought I'd let you know.
just lovely...thanks for sharing.
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