
Monday, March 10, 2025

Spring Thaw at the Lighthouse

Last week I made a stop at the Lighthouse in Grand Haven.  The temperatures here have been over freezing so the snow and ice have been melting.  

When I was here in February this channel was mostly iced over.

It was still cold and you can see there's quite a bit of ice out there.

This is the parking area I was parked at; winter winds blow a lot of sand on the roads and parking lots.

And here's one last view of Lake Michigan as I left.
I am thankful to see this view in all seasons!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Beautiful pictures!

Miss Merry said...

Wonderful photos.

Shug said...

Such a beautiful area. I would love to see a lighthouse...None around here. I enjoyed seeing all of these wonderful photos..

doodles n daydreams said...

Lovely pics but I'm wondering who clears the sand from the road and car parks. I'm guessing it's the city council.

Susan said...

It looks so pretty! I can’t imagine how cold it it. I like that lighthouse!

roentare said...

The fabulous seaside images

MadSnapper n Beau said...

its beautiful iced or not iced and the sand on the parking lot is beautiful too. soon you can show us the summer views of all this beauty.

Linda said...

Wow beautiful. I bet it was refreshing though. smiles

Judy said...

Oh, I so miss Lake Michigan, and I absolutely love the lighthouse ones.

Dianna said...

SO beautiful, Mari. I love lighthouses...and sandy beaches....and water. I'm glad that you get to enjoy these different views in all four seasons, my friend.