
Monday, March 17, 2025

A drive to the river

Last week, I was out driving on a sunny day and decided to drive to a recreational area on the Grand River near our home.

To get there, you have to drive down a gravel road - my favorite kind of road!  This road is beautiful in the summer and Fall when the leaves are on the trees.

There's still a little snow in the woods.

Some areas nearer the river are a little flooded from snow melt, but I thought it still looked pretty with that bright blue sky.

And here's the river! In the summer, this place is full of people putting boats in, but during the winter you can hardly get back here, and on this day I was the only one here.  You can see a little ice still on the water, but it will soon be gone.

Next time I'm here, this tree should be green and the water warm!


Miss Merry said...

What a beautiful spot - and so quiet and peaceful this time of year.

doodles n daydreams said...

What beautiful blue skies and a lovely day for a drive.
I've just caught up with your last post and it seems you had a lovely day with Cassie. Hoping Connor recovers quickly and fully :)