We had some big storms go through here last week. I had to drive about 30 minutes away to get blood work done the next morning and these are some of the things I saw along the way.
This poor house really got hit hard. That tree went right through the roof and when I went by a few days later, there is tarp covering a lot of the roof.
This is a friend from church. They also have roof repair to do.
This is on my BIL's hunting property. A huge maple tree went down and this is the root ball. His grandson who is 6'2" is standing next to it, so you can see how huge it was.

We were fortunate to have no major damage. Just lots of sticks and leaves on the ground which Bob spent lots of time cleaning up!
Hi Mari! I heard about all the storms and I am glad you didn't have any damage at your home. Looks like a lot of people were hit hard and have a lot of clean-up and repair to do. I hope that this next week is better for all. See you again soon!
Man that root ball from that old tree is huge. I don’t like those types of wind storms when trees start falling. Those poor people with the roof damage. I hope they can get it fixed quickly. Amazing how the trunks of some of those trees just snapped.
Oh, wow! That was quite a storm. I am amazed no one was hurt, but thank goodness! That is a very tall tree on your BIL's property! WOW! Nature is surely amazing. Glad y'all fared ok.
Oh my gosh, a trail of destruction! I am so glad you had no major damage and are safe!!!
Some storm, wind and rain are a powerful energy to cause such damage.
these trees look like a disaster! But their texture and green moss look so nice though
So glad it did not destroy anything on your house.
In our country many flooding and house destructions too. For the moment we have been fortunate.
Hi Mari! Thanks for visiting the blog today :) I thought I would come follow you. We have seen many blue tarped roofs in our day, living in S.E. Texas. I'm glad you got by with minimal damage to clean up. Have a wonderful week and happy 4th!
Y'all were fortunate that the trees held. Praise God! But your poor neighbors ... golly. I hope they can get the home repairs done soon and all will be well. Be safe. 💙
Mari this is terrifying! It looks like tornadoes came through! Joel and Stephanie had a massive pine go down just a few feet from their house about six weeks ago, when tornadoes were in the area. They weren't home when it happened but they knew that lots of damage was being done! It's devastating and so costly to clean that up and repair the houses. God bless everyone. xoxo
Wow, that one tree is huge!
Thankful you were spared serious damage.... what a storm!
Oh my goodness! That is so terrifying! I love a good thunderstorm, but not the wind or lightening damage. It's crazy how awful our weather can be sometimes. 🙈
Wow that is some huge root ball!!!
Wind sure can cause lots of damage.
Youzers on the storm damage. Looked like my niece's street when the storm went through her neighborhood. Congrats again. I will have my Bob mail out your pillow in the morning. Janice
Oh my goodness, Mari. That's some serious damage around your area. So happy your home was spared. Sorry to be so late getting here today!! xo
I had seen that Michigan was forecast to have severe weather, but didn't follow up with it. Thank you for sharing with us. Thankful to the Lord that you and Bob didn't suffer damage.
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