
Monday, June 17, 2024

Squirrel Acrobatics

I've shared with you before some pictures of wildlife outside our windows at work.  In the last few weeks we've had groundhogs, bunnies, orioles, deer - and squirrels!

We have a few bird feeders and recently the squirrels discovered them and I got some funny pictures of one of them getting a little meal.

"Are you looking at me?"


Dianna said...

Mari, I've enjoyed going back through your blog posts and catching up on what I missed before leaving. I loved the tee shirt that the girls gave Bob for his birthday! SO cute! Congratulations to Terri's daughter and future son-in-law. The cupcakes look amazing.

Mandy said...

How precious! I love watching the squirrels in our yard. They are so funny!

Deb J. in Utah said...

We have some squirrels that live around our house and they are fun to watch. I have seen our squirrels performing similar acrobatics to get in our next door neighbors bird feeder. Fun pictures. Have a good week!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

How cute they are. They’re such comedians!

Simone said...

I'm back to blogging a bit and of course, I get to read some of my favorite friend's blog. The squirrels are cute! I love watching them do their nature gymnastics. Our dog Bo? Not so much!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Their acrobatics to get food always amuse me. They must burn up all the calories before they even eat them.

Katerinas Blog said...

Perfect pictures of the squirrel!
I love your blog and will be following!

roentare said...

The squirrel is looking supercute

Donna said...

They'll do anything for a snack! lol

Sparky said...

How adorable. Good photos! We put a metal "skirt" around our birdfeeders to keep the little tree rats out. Then gave them their own special place with cracked corn. They are fun to watch. Blessings. 💙

Changes in the wind said...

So cute, thanks for sharing.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Oh Mari I love these. I would stand there and watch the squirrels' antics all day and never get a thing done, hahaha! I love squirrels xoxo

R's Rue said...

Got your postcard.

Barbara said...

We've got a couple of squirrels who appear to play tag on the palm trees in our back yard. They don't look hungry, so I don't feed them. Your pictures are cute!

Prims By The Water said...

Too funny their antics getting food. We only have black and red squirrels here and I like seeing the gray ones. Janice

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What they don't go through just to get at the bird seed, haha.
Love the two shots of it looking right at you.

HappyK said...

They certainly are determined and try all kinds of ways to get the food. Fun to watch them.

Terri D said...

Squirrels are persistent little beings!! How fun to watch!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

That squirrel is in hog's heaven! He's got that feeder full of corn all to himself and he's quite thrilled! They are cute, but they are pests too. We do have bird feeders, but I have them fixed so that the squirrels can't get into them, or else they would empty them out before the birds could get them! But the squirrels seem to find plenty of natural food around to eat. I know they aren't starving and they seem to keep reproducing! LOL. These were fun pictures! You have a lovely place!

Pam said...

Squirrels are rodents that I prefer to not deal with but, I have to say that they can be really funny to watch when they are out and about.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Those squirrels are so naughty! But I admire their tenacity. They are characters . Your photos are terrific. Thanks for sharing them.

Billie Jo said...

LOL! We must have your guy's relatives here! All those moves look familiar!

Michelle said...

I love watching squirrels. They are so cute.

Lowcarb team member said...

We have squirrels who like to visit and they are such fun to watch.
Love the photographs you've shared here.

All the best Jan

Judy said...

They are persistent aren't they. Cute photos you got, especially love the last one.