
Monday, June 3, 2024

A Day in my Life - June

Happy June! School is nearly done for the year here, the sun is shining and everything is growing.  It's a lovely time of year!
Here's how I spent the first day of the month.

Because it was Saturday, I got to sleep in and got up shortly after 8. I got ready and started a load of laundry.

Then I had my usual breakfast, 2 boiled eggs!

Bob was out working on his flower beds, so I wandered out there and we walked around the yard a bit.

Then it was time to get some things done.  On Saturday, I usually make something to put in the crock pot, so dinner is ready when we get home from church.  We usually some sort of buns or sandwiches for supper, so I get something ready for that too.
I made Caprese Chicken in the crockpot and then corned beef filling for buns for supper.

I had lunch plans with a friend so drove about 30 minutes to meet up with her.

Here's my friend Ginger.  We had a nice time catching up and had a good lunch.

It was a pretty day and I took the back roads home.  I saw this cool, old car along the way.

This cute little place sells decorative items for your home.  It's on a farm and is run by a mom and daughter.  However, it looks like they were working on it and there were very few items, so I left empty handed.

It always refreshes me to drive out in the country and see the fields and farms.

Soon I was home and finished the laundry I had started earlier.  I cleaned up the kitchen, ran the dishwasher and did a little laundry.

The weather had changed and it started raining. The little boy in the landscaping was getting a bit wet!

Soon, it was a downpour.

About 5:30 we were on the road, it was still raining.

We met friends at a local Mexican restaurant, had a great supper and a good time.

We got home a little after 8 and had a quiet rest of the night.
A good day to start the month!


Ginny Hartzler said...

That little shop is so cute! You got so much done!! The Mexican place sure has a unique and colorful table. I would never be able to stop at just two boiled eggs.

Mandy said...

So glad you got to enjoy the company of good friends this weekend! We have so many eggs. I need to boil some to keep on hand for a quick snack!

roentare said...

That Mexican restaurant looks so lovely. The table itself is a treat.

acorn hollow said...

That sounds and looks like a wonderful first day of June.
It is always wonderful to meet up with friends.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh that little cottage shop is adorable. You must go back! Very nice pictures of the countryside.

Jeanette said...

Sounds like a great day! Love that little shop!

Jenny the Pirate said...

A perfectly charming first day of June. I want to go to that tiny store on the farm! xoxo

Happy@Home said...

That sounds like a full and satisfying first day of June.
Thanks for taking us along.

Terri D said...

It seems you have started June perfectly! Love the photos you shared and am intrigued by that tiny store! I am again using my little egg cooker. Took a break but enjoying boiled eggs once again! Hugs!

HappyK said...

What a lovely day even if it did rain.
The little shop looks so cute.

Catherine said...

That sounds to be a good day!
I definitely must get a crockpot !
Looks so useful for cooking. Must get it before the children ´s arrival!
Happy June!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Sounds like a perfect Saturday to me when you can peruse the garden, wander back roads, and share meals with great friends. :)

Kim said...

The shop looks charming and it sounds like you had a fun, friend filled day!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely day to start the month :)

All the best Jan