
Monday, November 6, 2023

A Day in my Life; November

 Happy November?  Can that be true?  October just buzzed on by!
Here's how the first day of the month went for me:

My work hours have changed just a little. One of our nurses retired and she always came in early to open the office and answer any calls that came into the on call center.  They asked me to do that on the days I work, so now I'm leaving a little earlier in the morning. Since we had been snowed on the day before, and they said the back roads were slippery, I left a little after 7 am. The roads weren't too bad, just a couple of bad spots and I arrived at work at 7:40 am.

Here's what the edge of the parking lot looked like with snow in the dark.  I thought it was kind of an alien landscape.  :)

I let myself into the office, got everything opened up and got things set up for the day. My co-workers arrived 30 minutes later.

This is my corner cubicle.  It's a new spot for me, in the corner with windows around me which is so nice.
My job on this day involved dealing with faxes from all the facilities our doctors oversee; they send us notification of falls, med concerns, skin issues, patient and family questions and assorted other things.  We write up a telephone encounter, send it to the Dr who responds. We then write up any new orders, send them to the facility and notify the patient or family.  We also have a lot of calls come in that we deal with.  Every day is different and we are never bored!


The sun came up and the scene outside my windows was beautiful!

As the day progressed, the temps came up and the snow melted.
This is a scene I saw on the way home. As you can see, most of the leaves have come down.

It was a beautiful drive home.

Even with less leaves, the color is beautiful.

I saw a deer along the way, but he ran off before I could get his picture.  Then I saw this long horn steer who wasn't a bit worried about me.

I got home and had some leftovers for supper.  Bob had a meeting at church so he was gone for awhile.

I did a little work on my current Bible study.  Who would have thought the little book of Habakkuk would have so much good stuff in it?

Wednesday night is Survivor night.  Are any of you fans?  I've enjoyed this one for years and enjoyed it again on this night.
It was another good day.  Welcome November!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Mari. I love the views from your office and your drive. You sure live and work in a beautiful area. Sounds like November 1 was an excellent day for you. I love these "Day in the Life" posts. I hope November is a good month for you. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

That parking lot edge does look like an alien landscape. You have a nice large and airy workspace with a good view. Wow, your job involves so much!! Your drive to work really is beautiful.

Susan said...

Hi Mari, you have a great view. I love all the fall trees and the snow contrast is beautiful! My hubby and I have been watching Survivor for years! It has been interesting. It seems like the challenges are harder this time. We were noticing how scaped their knees are. Enjoy your week!

roentare said...

Autumn leaves with snow just look fantastic!

Suemn said...

I agree with Deb... you live in a beautiful area. The leaves on my big oak tree refuse to fall. Usually around this time of year, I've raked most of the oak tree's leaves but this year I'm just waiting for more of the leaves to fall. I am a big fan of "Survivor" and of "The Amazing Race" too.

Dianna said...

That view out of your office windows is absolutely stunning! Wow! Who needs pictures on the walls when you have a view like that?

We still have a little color here and there, but, like you, a lot of the trees have already shed their leaves.

Love the picture of the Long Horn steer!

The Bible study on Habakkuk sounds really good! It's such a rich book of encouragement for troubled times.

Sandi said...

Beautiful photos!

That steer...whoa...those horns.

R's Rue said...

Love your photos.

Catherine said...

The photo with snow is beautiful. I have never seen such an animal with so big horns! Nice to see where you work.

HappyK said...

How nice to have windows in your cubicle.
The photos are so pretty.

acorn hollow said...

I would rather get up and get going instead of staying later. Nice to have a window for natural ligh.

Jeanette said...

I like your corner desk and windows!

Jeanette said...

I like your corner desk with windows!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello my Lovely!
Looks like another beautiful day in the life. I think a lot of that is because you're so good at seeing the beauty around you! I LOVE that pic when the sun came up and there was snow and all the lovely color. Gives me chills to see such beauty! I honestly don't know that I've read the book of Habakkuk? And yes, total Survivor fans over here!! Loving it too! xoxo

Terri D said...

I don't watch Survivor. My current must see show is The Voice. I suggested a Habakkuk Bible Study for our community group. I think the group will be on-board with it. The beauty in your area is awesome, Mari. Great photos!! I really enjoy your first of the month posts and seeing how you day went!! Hugs!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I need to check and see where you live...such beauty all around you! And yes, that early morning photo does look a bit "alien". LOL. Sounds like a busy day at work, but with such beauty outside those windows how do you get anything done? I would be daydreaming, I'm afraid. LOL. Habakkuk...hmmm, I may need to check that out and discuss that with our ladies for a Bible study...or even my hubby for our Sunday School class. Thank you for suggesting it. Thank you for sharing your lovely November day with us!

Lauren said...

I love the pictures of snow and the autumn leaves. A great view of the changing seasons.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Good grief! That steer! Mercy he's a big'un. OK now sitting in that WINDOW all day? I would freak out and be the first to work too because I LOVE sitting in a window to work! That's just fantastic. And what beautiful views! Almost too good to be true. And that gorgeous drive home! Excellent. xoxo

Debby said...

First off, what a pleasant way to drive to and from work. So much beauty. Your office space with the window is very nice.

Prims By The Water said...

What gorgeous photos, even the one with the snow. I use to watch Survivor but no longer. Janice

Mandy said...

A window at work makes all the difference! Sometimes, I would just take a few minutes each day at my old job and watch the little squirrels and rabbits playing under a giant oak tree out my window!

The colors around you are just gorgeous...I always love seeing your pics! Be careful on those snowy drives to work!

Kim said...

Catching up on all my blog reading today, Mari and I have to say your last two posts are filled with the most gorgeous photos. Fall and winter together, not my favorite, but undeniably lovely...You should be selling your photos...I know I say this often. You have an artist's eye, what you see and then are able to capture is a gift.