
Monday, August 8, 2022

It's sleepover time!

 You may remember me telling you that we were getting a mini crib set up so we could have Cassie spend the night.  Alaina and Ruby were very excited about this and had decided that they should all stay overnight together. They even made invitations for Grandpa, Grandma and Cassie to come to a sleepover - at Grandpa and Grandma's house! Ruby assured me that I wouldn't have to do anything with Cassie because she would take care of her.  :)
So, Friday evening, Bob went and got Cassie, and Alaina and Ruby came to my work to come home with me.

We had pizza for supper, then went outside for a while.  We played on the swing set for awhile.

Cassie loved the swing set.

Alaina and Ruby took turns sliding with her.

I wanted to get some pictures of the girls.  Cassie doesn't believe in sitting still and is actually trying to slide out of the chair here.

Then Alaina and Ruby told her to smile, and this is the picture I got:

Too funny!

Recently, during prime days on Amazon, I saw a bubble machine for a really good price, and I knew the girls would like it.  This was the perfect night to try it out.

It worked amazingly well!  It put out lots of bubbles and they floated around without popping right away.

They had great fun chasing and catching them.

Cassie is usually in bed between 7:30 and 8.   And this is when the fun began.  She didn't want anything to do with that.  She was having such fun playing, so we let her play some more.  However, she was getting really tired, but was very unhappy about going to bed.  I even took her to our room and laid down with her, and she just got more upset.

This was how she looked around 9:30.   :(    So we packed her up and Bob took her back home to her parents.  She fell asleep in the car.

The other two slept well and were up at 8am.

They helped Bob get some dead branches out of our oak trees.

They were pretty proud of this big one!

Then we got to work on our craft.  We used my cricut to make t-shirts.

It's hard to read on the photo, but it says Cousin Crew.

We made one for Cassie too, so we went to their house on our drive to go home.

Here they are together, wearing their matching shirts.

We made a stop at Great Grandpa and Grandma's house as usual.  It's been very hot here, too hot for Dad to be outside.  But Ann loves it and had the girls on the porch swing with her.

I had to run to the store to get something for Dad, and thought this picture of them enjoying each other was cute.

We brought them home after this.  Hopefully it won't be too long before Cassie decides it's ok to sleep at Grandpa and Grandma's house!


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are SO blessed to have such gorgeous girls! And you always have such fun crafts to do with them. The T-shirts are awesome! Staying over is so much fun for the tiny ones, but the first time for actually SLEEPING over can be quite scary.

Susan said...

Well at least you tried for the first sleep over. Looks like they had a lot of fun until bedtime. My younger grands have to sleep together still. The joys of grandparenting! :)♥

Suemn said...

Wow! Cassie has grown a lot and when did she get the blond hair? ha! She is a cutie:) I love the story where she enjoyed playing so much that she didn't want to go to sleep and glad that you lived close enough to drive her back home so she... and you and Bob could get a good night's sleep.

Changes in the wind said...

Can't believe how big Cassie has gotten and how cute. The tree are so sweet together. It is so pretty and green there, love the pictures.

DUTA said...

Cassie's adorable whether smiling or crying!

R's Rue said...

All adorable

Hootin Anni said...

Mari, I loved every minute!! Such sweet, sweet girls!! And their grandparents are perfect too. In every way.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Perfect pictures!

The girls certainly all had a wonderful time. And in a while more, all will happily sleep over.

All but the non-sleep-baby, was perfect. :-)

You and your husband are making such lovely memories for your girls. And for yourselves!!!

💛 💛 💛 💛

Debby said...

That first photo of Cassie is my favorite. Such a cutie. She’ll come to enjoy the sleepovers eventually - probably best to take her home. Oh well, at least you tried. The tshirts are cute. I’d love to have a circuit.

Rajani Rehana said...

Lovely post

Terri D said...

Mari, you got some precious photos of Cassie, Alaina, and Ruby!! The shirts are SO CUTE!! I love "cousin crew". My cousins were and still are so precious to me. Cassie will soon be a happy slumber party participant, I'm sure!! Thanks for sharing!! xo

HappyK said...

Sounds like a lovely time but too bad about Cassie. Maybe next time. :)
Love all the bubbles!

Debi said...

When Cassie figures out all the fun she's missing she will be begging for sleepovers with the "Cousin Crew" at Grandma and Grandpa's house! They are such cute girls!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Cassie be like noooooo I'm not goin' to bed! Haaahaha until Grandpa packs me up and takes me home. That's hilarious! Just couldn't hack it ... yet. Hooray for a bubble machine! Something tells me we need one of those out by the pool! And I'm impressed by Bon and the girls getting dead branches out of the trees. We just let ours stay up there, haahahaha xoxo

Jean said...

So much fun with those girls! I can't keep track of how old Cassie is, but it's not that unusual for a little one to be unhappy about sleeping away from parents. I'm sure none of mine were ready at her age.

LL Cool Joe said...

That was an inspired buy from Amazon. I bet it won't be long before Cassie is enjoying sleepovers with the Grandparents!

Rebecca said...

Such fun, Mari! The girls are adorable. You are brave. 😄

Beth Cotell said...

The shirts turned out awesome! I'm sure Cassie will be sleeping over in no time!

Jeanette said...

Sounds like a nice night to have the girls over. Too bad Cassie didn't quite make it through, but I'm not surprised! She's a little young but it won't be long before she'll be asking to stay just like the older girls! Love the shirts!! They are all adorable!

Sally said...

I loved this, Mari! And, wow I've missing a lot since I rarely post or read. This morning just trying to catchup a bit. Cassie! She's adorable like the other little loves.

Donna said...

Aww! All those sweet babies! How fun that was!
I think hubby and I need a bubble machine...Lolol

Catherine said...

Poor Cassie difficult to be separated from her parents even to see grandma
Nice idea the t shirts !