
Monday, August 15, 2022

Country roads are my favorite!

 One of my favorite things to do is go down a quiet country road, especially one I've never been on before, and find beauty.  It's not something I've done much of lately, because with gas prices, who can afford to just drive for the fun of it?  :)
Last week, I had an appointment about 30 minutes from home. It was such a beautiful day and instead of taking the main roads home, I decided to take the meandering back roads and see what I could find.
Here's some pictures of some back roads in Michigan.

One of the first things I saw was this flock of wild turkeys.  They didn't seem to be bothered by me, and one even slowly meandered across the road in front of me.

Blue skies, fluffy clouds and a barn!

Split rail fences are always charming.

Queen Anne's lace in the sunshine.

Looking over a huge field of corn.

I even found this field of sunflowers.

Rolling hills and more fluffy clouds.

This barn doesn't look like it has much longer to stand.  I bet it was a good looking barn in its day.

The corn is getting so tall.

Thanks for coming along!


Jenny the Pirate said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Your world is so idyllic! I never see anything like this unless we drive far from town. And like you said, who can afford that? Haaahaaha xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love how the Queen Anne's Lace opens up like little baskets. I have never seen wild turkeys. This is such a huge and impressive barn! How sad that it got in this shape. This path between the rows of corn is where the deer here like to walk.

Hootin Anni said...

I'll take a country drive like this any day!! Thanks for taking me along. Hope you are seeing my comments...lately, a lot have told me I end up in their spam.

Suemn said...

Thanks so much for the lovely photos. It made me feel like I was out in the country and makes me think I should go for a drive. I live in a major city but country life isn't too far away:)

Jeanette said...

I love meandering down country roads and yes, die to the ridiculous gas prices seldom do it anymore! You took some nice pictures!

Changes in the wind said...

So quiet and peaceful. Thanks for taking us along.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Gorgeous drive.

Sadly around here, the roads you could meander on, are busy now. Or at least, you often find someone behind you, in a HURRRRRRY.


Debby said...

Oh, beautiful photos Mari. I'm the same way - I love getting back into the country or forests and seeing what is there.

HappyK said...

I'm with you! I love country roads though I prefer walking down them. :)

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I have seen you around this little old blog world and am popping in to say a proper Hello! I enjoyed your photos so very much. I hope you have a cozy evening, and I am happy to be a new follower!

Deb said...

Love the pics, especially that third one with the big tree and fence. I enjoy quiet country roads too but yeah, the price of gas lately has kept me from driving any more than I need to. I do live out in the country and would like to just go for bike rides but two things stop me: I don't have a bike (haven't been on one in YEARS), and I'm afraid of dogs chasing me. Were we really so crazy and fearless in our childhood that we could just do such things? lol

Jean said...

That was fun! Many things look very similar to our back roads here in PA! I love the tall corn!

Henny Penny said...

Whayt a perfect drive through the country. I could stop and live in any one of those pictures. Just beautiful!!

Sally said...

So very beautiful. This reminds me of John Denver "take me home country roads). :)

I'm glad you were able to take such lovely pictures to share, Mari.


Dianna said...

Your pictures are amazing, always! I agree...I bet that barn was a good looking barn in its day. Your sky/cloud pictures remind me of the pictures that our grandson who is in Ohio now shares with us...brilliant blue background for those beautiful white clouds. We have friends who recently built their retirement home on Lake Superior and we are looking forward to visiting with them once their move is complete.