Do any of you save your change? We've been doing this for most of our married life. We have a big jar tucked in a corner of our bedroom that we dump our change in at night.
You can use any jar, but I find it's helpful to have one with a small top. That way you aren't tempted to reach in a grab a few quarters - it takes a little effort. We usually wait until the jar is nearly full, and it's surprising how much you can save up without feeling like you are sacrificing. We have used this for money to take along on vacations or to put toward a big purchase. We emptied it in early November and the money in it went a long way towards a new TV we purchased.
Saving change - it works for me!
For more tips, visit Kristen at We are THAT Family.
Saving change - it works for me!
For more tips, visit Kristen at We are THAT Family.
This is a wise tip, and something that has worked for me and my family, too! You made it sound so exciting in your post...that the full jar can actually contribute to a major purchase, and it's true.
It is also a Biblical principle -- even just one coin is precious.
Thinking of you today, Mari.
works for me as well.
Well, not in one place. I really should organize my change saving habits. I just tend to throw some in a drawer here, or some container there, or just all kinds of odd places. Someday maybe I'll gather it all up and discover I can retire.
Great advise.
Yep, we do the same....tho not such a large container. LOL
Heck, you could take a trip without even spending any more that what you save in THAT!!!
-----works for me too.
Just cleaned out our big cashew jar from Christmas and filled it with all of our change from around the house. Do you think we can save enough in there to pay for Jenna's wedding?
I do this, too.
Yes, we save change also. We just cashed ours in a few weeks ago too. That is what I use for buying Christmas gifts and that way we don't go into debt buying for others.
Yep, we do the same. I have an antique milk bottle on the kitchen counter that holds change. Most of the time it's then dumped into a larger container that's hidden in the bedroom cuz it ugly plastic!
Amazingly the milk bottle almost always yields the same amount when counted out...around $6O give or take a dollar or two.
we did this once when we had high hopes to make a trip to see mickey mouse. it didn't last long though and the jar was mainly full of pennies cuz we kept digging out the quarters, etc. for little stuff! still inspires me to do it again though!
My family puts our excess change in the car where it can be applied to fast food. ;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and looking up my book! That always makes my day. :)
my dad does something similar, then puts the money in an account for either my niece or nephew.
sadly, i use cash so infrequently it wouldn't work for me.
We have that very same bottle sitting on the floor of our closet and that is where our change winds up as well. Surprising how much it really holds!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
We do that too. My mom got Joel a jar for Christmas that keeps track of how much you have in the jar. Really cool !!!! She got it on QVC/
Great idea Mari :)
Oh, yes! We have one jar just for pennies and another for all other change. It really DOES add up. (And I still pick pennies up off the ground if I see them, too.)
Oh Mari! We've been doing this for about 2-3 years now. Christmas '08, I bought my husband one of the bottles that counts for you. This past Christmas, we were able to use all of our change for presents. He's been able to buy his manly electronics, video game stuff, etc. He is SERIOUS about it! Lol... he gets on to me now if I don't put my change in there. Having the counter, it gets kind of exciting. Sad part is, of all the change people don't care about... we make it to $100 easily using our quarters & it's still this little jar. Goes to show that money still goes a long way! At least in our house. Right now, we are going to use our change bucket for either a trip before we move to Nebraska or just save it for furniture & such after we move!
Love the post!!
great idea! my man's sock drawer is covered in the bottom with change!!! He just dumps it in at night...i think i will pour it all into a jar and starting saving up! i could use a trip to the spa!!! LOL!
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