A friend sent this to me recently and it was really meaningful, because we've gone through a rough stretch at work. Although I love my residents and my job, sometimes those above us can make life quite difficult. I'm happy to say that things seem to be really improving as the person who was stressing many of us has left. However - I think the points made here are good to remember in whatever situation we find ourselves!
This is exactly what my husband needs to see. Thank you!
I don't even work outside the home and this is awesome!! I wonder if someone wrote one for homeschooling!!! "The Lord is my Principal, I shall not want to send my kids to school."!!! heehee
Hadn't seen this one. Cute!
That's good, Mari. Indeed, we need one written for whatever our course in life is! The best part is, He can handle it, whatever it is! Blessings!
That was good even in spite of being unemployed, I related to it very well.
That psalm is great. It would fit with so many jobs, won't it.
When I was secretary at church that was my motto - I'm working for the Lord and should do my best. I'm not trying to keep all the people happy all the time. I love it!
Awesome post!!
Glad that person has left. It's so hard working with someone who has the ability to make everyone else feel miserable...
thankfully, i mostly work with men so the gossip is kept to a minimum, but i know the girls down stairs have a huge problem with it.
Praise Him for my wonderful work environment!!
His word is can be applied to our life in every situation..this is great!
That's a fun and encouraging read. :) Sometimes that perspective is hard to hang on to, isn't it?
I am glad that your days at work are going better. That must have been a huge answer to prayer for you and for Nancy.
That would be one I would gladly print off and hang in my office environment. Hopefully it would inspire people to realize a job will never define who you are, it's just a job! If you leave, the company will not fail but continue on in your absence.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Amen and amen.
I love it! Bless your heart. My sister has been going through the very same thing at the retirement home where she works. Except the stressor has not left. It feels a little scary when the care of the elderly seems to become more of a business than a home.
Yup, needed to read this today!
That is a wonderful statement again of where we need to keep our eyes everyday. I love the part where it says he claims me as his own, even though the company threatens to let me go. I am His!
This is great and really encouraging, Mari.
Oh this is so good and much needed. Thank you for sharing.
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