The high school youth from our church put on a Sweetheart supper Saturday night. There is a group of them going to Guatemala this summer so this was set up as a fund raiser for that trip. We were greeted by a few of them when we arrived and directed to go in and have our picture taken. We then had a nice supper of salad, assorted pasta dishes,
breadsticks and dessert. The youth were great waiters and waitresses; checking to make sure our food was all right, filling our cups and taking away our dishes.
It was a fun night, we didn't have to wait to get in and our money went to a good cause!
Awesome...a wonderful dinner with the money going to a good cause.
Blessings, andrea
TG and I enjoyed a wonderful time at a church Valentine dinner last night too. What a romantic time of year!
That's a wonderful idea. Was there entertainment too?
THAT sounds like one terrific evening spent well in time AND money!!!
The youth group as waiters...how sweet is that?
Hope they raised enough $
our youth group had one last night but I didnt go cuz Chuck was working. Hope you had a wonderful valentines day
Yes, Mari, this is so much like ours!!! Aren't they wonderful. So good for everyone: us who enjoy, the kids who serve and the funds raised for the mission trips.
glad you had fun but whoever that was in the picture doesn't look thrilled that you're on the hunt again with your camera ;)
Ken & I had a Valentine Dinner at our church also. The Jr. High put it on. Great food - the church basement all decorated up - they did a great job. The proceeds went to there activities thru out the year. Such fun!! ( of course, I did not take my camera!)
Now this is what I'd call a Two for One! You not only get a great Valentine's day dinner, but your proceeds went to help out the youth group!
Be sure to stop by my blog today and sign up for my giveaway!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Looks like a fun night! I hope they did well!
Our youth did that a few years ago for Valentines Day. They did such a great job!! They did it all - low lights, live music, decorations. It was just a wonderful evening.
I love going to youth sponsored events like this. They do a wonderful job, and you are helping them meet a goal. Win - win!
That's a wonderful idea for a night of fun and conversation. What a great cause.
That was a great idea and it helped everyone. Your church does so much for missions. I think it is wonderful!
That's cool. I remember doing that many moons ago.
I love to see youth do things like that and for a great cause. I hope they did well, too!
Those are my favorite kind of "dates"! Great food, service and the feeling that you're helping the kids. Sounds like they did a fabulous job!
SO much better than other fundraising sales. Something EVERYONE wants! Dinner that you don't have to cook!!!
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