I was at work the other day and when one of the residents called me Betty as she always does, it struck me that I answer to many names. I thought I would share a few with you.
- My real name is Maribeth, and that's what I was often called in school. My family and friends shortened it down to Mari, which is what I still usually go by.
- Then, there are the family names - as in Mom and Hon. Sometimes Bob calls me Bethie and for some reason my daughters sometimes call me Susannah. (I have no idea where that came from!)
- I've had quite a few people who have called me Marie, because in reading Mari they thought that was how it was pronounced.
- At the Nursing Home, my co-workers usually call me Maribeth, because the person who hired me knew me by that name. However some of the residents come up with their own names and that's what I answer to. Some of the names I answer to are Betty, MaryAnn and Penny. The best is Marilyn Supervisor. This name came from one of my sweet little ladies trying to read my name badge with says: Maribeth, and under that it says Supervisor. She thought the first word was Marilyn and that Supervisor was my last name, so I've answered to that name for several years now. A few days ago someone called me a rat because I was trying to check her mouth for a sore. You never know what you may be called there!
Blessings, andrea
The rat one is funny. You know, when we did the nursing home ministry with our church in Virginia, we went once a month, and we had the shut-up lady there. Every so often she'd start yelling at Chico, the guy in charge who would tell the message, to shut-up, just shut-up. But then there was the sweet little lady who would tell her that wasn't nice. She was the one who always told my boys what pretty boys they were.
I'll bet you have lots of stories!
Great post...in writing my bible study on the names of God I considered all the names women are called and how God reveals Himself in any names too...all in the name of relationship!! What a Savior we serve!!
Ps. I've been called "Marie" many times too!! Mariel sounds like "mary elle"...but that's not how my mom spelled it...I like Maribeth, though! :)
Hey! We share the same name, Christian! ;)
I laughed at you being called a rat!
Any to that I say Amen!
Amen! When I was asked who I am, I used to say, "Wife of R and mommy to E and J" but now I realize that that didn't define me but who I am in Christ is what does.
Marilyn Supervisor...that's so cute!
Amen, Marilyn Supervisor ... Christian is a name you wear well.
I really like how your name Christian is in God's book of life, Susannah!!!
You know I once said I, in my head, while visiting you and reading your comments that I pronounced it Marie. But, NOW, thanks to you...a few weeks back, I know better. :o)
AMEN!!! I've always been called Susan. My parents absolutely refused to let anyone call me "Sue" or "Susie" and would firmly correct them with, "Her name is Susan."
Yes, like you my favorite name would be "child of God". What a special, honor filled name!!!!
Fun post! I love how you answer to so many names at work :-) Although rat is probably not one of your favorites. lol
marilyn supervisor...loved that one! ☺
That just made me smile. :-D
btw ... one of our city commissioners used to call me "Trouble" when I worked at the paper. :-D
great post. :) i have some fun ones as well, especially when race coordinators try to read my unusual name written in my poor handwriting!
This is a nice getting to know you better post. I would never have known you were Maribeth!
How do you pronounce Mari?
In my mind, each time I see your name on my comment box or on your blog, I pronounce it as MA-REE. Accent on the first sylablle. Or do you pronounce it like Mary?
I really liked this post...Susanna and Marilyn Supervisor! Now, I would never call you Rat!
That's too cute. It's true, we pick up so many different names over the years.
But you do have the most important one!
Yes, well said my Christin sister. Great post of all the names we wear as a woman.
Ya'll have a greatly blessed day dear Mari!!!
I think those of you in the nursing profession have been called many names, at least that's what my girls tell me!
I'm so glad we're in the same family, the family of God!!
Well, Marilyn Supervisor,
What a fun post. Christian is the best name!
I loved this post. It's funny, because I was just having a discussion with Anthony and Lori about some of the names I've been called. For instance, one time on a memo, our principal wrote my name as Jean St. From then on I was Jean Street, hahaha!
Cute post Mari! I think Christian is your most important name...although I think Mari is beautiful too!
What a neat post. I used to refer to as Maribeth but sense blogging I call you Mari. Glad we are in the same family, sister - the family of God.
Awwww this is so sweet....I love Maribeth Supervisor. This has me thinking of all the names I answer to. I guess the strangest one I respond with is Smelly. Really, it has nothing to do with personal hygiene. lol
Beautiful post Mary(Mari)beth ;) I love to just call you "friend"!
Yup, I know everyone of those people. Well maybe not Hon or Bethie!!!!
I only know you as Mari...and friend, but it was fun to see what others call you too. The Marilyn Supervisor gave me a chuckle.
My given name is Kathy Dianne. Not Kathryn or Kathleen. My family calls me Kathy. George calls me Babe. The children call me Mom. The grandchildren call me MeMe. My friends call me Kathy, Kat or KD. But, just like you, the most important one is Christian and that our Lord calls me His child.
Good post.
Interesting post and good to peek into your off-blog life a little bit. I was trying to think where it says that God has a secret/personal name for each of His children (Maybe I'm dreaming this?)
Well said! Great post!
Great post Mari! I want to add one more. Prayer Warrior!
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